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MMUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 12. 1998 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 8:30AM. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />This special meeting was called at the request of Mr. James R. Schilling, J.R. <br />Development to discuss the proposed Development Agreement for the subdivision known <br />as Beaver Ponds. <br />The first item discussed was paragraph 13F of the Agreement that requires the developer <br />to deposit with the City sufficient funds to pay for one-half the cost of upgrading 130th <br />Street, adjacent to the property, to the City's urban standard collector street standard. <br />Mr. Schilling objected to this requirement, as 130th Street has already been approved as a <br />24' wide paved rural road. Mr. Charlie Melcher, Mr. Schilling's engineer, estimated the <br />cost of these improvements, including curb and gutter, and approximately eight extra feet <br />of bituminous surfacing to be $66,000. Mr. Schilling recommended that the Council <br />adopt an impact fee to be charged out against all homes constructed to pay for the future <br />expansion of improvement to collector streets. <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, to amend Paragraph 13F, keeping the existing <br />language and adding: "The City Council may, following the completion of a study, <br />determine the feasibility of establishing impact fees for collector road development, charge <br />the developer such impact fee in the amount not to exceed $ in lieu of <br />the above amount. The developer shall post a letter of credit with the City in the amount <br />of $ to secure payment for the road improvements. Prior to the release of <br />the letter of credit, the developer shall provide the City with a cash payment equal to the <br />amount owed the City for the improvement of 130th Street, or the impact fee, as may be <br />established." <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The second issue raised by Mr. Schilling was cost sharing for construction of the lift <br />station to serve his development, which will also serve adjacent property owners. Mr. <br />Schilling requested the City prorate the cost of the lift station to adjacent properties, based <br />on the number of hookups each would connect to the system. Mr. Schilling would pay for <br />the initial cost of constructing the lift station, and be reimbursed through hookup charges <br />made by future development. City policy is to reimburse the developer the marginal cost <br />of oversizing through payment of connection fees made by future developments. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to conduct a hearing on cost sharing the public <br />improvements for Beaver Ponds, and to establish connection charges for the same, at <br />7:30PM, June 30, 1998. The City Administrator was directed to send notices of the <br />meeting to affected property owners. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />