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1998.06.30 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.06.30 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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MMUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 30.1998 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:30PM. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />This special meeting was called to consider adoption of an ordinance levying connection <br />charges for a proposed sanitary sewer lift station and related facilities to be located on <br />130th Street, east of Forest Boulevard. This ordinance is based on a policy adopted by <br />the City Council to reimburse private developers for certain costs associated with the <br />construction of public facilities designed to serve property outside of their development. <br />In this case, J&,R Land Development Company, is being required to locate and oversize a <br />sanitary sewer lift station and watermains being built as a part of Beaver Ponds <br />subdivision to serve future development of nearby property. <br />The Mayor opened the meeting by requesting the City Engineer explain the proposed <br />improvements. Mr. Angus stated that a sanitary lift station is required to serve the Beaver <br />Ponds development, and that the City's Comprehensive Sewer and Water Supply Plan <br />calls for a lift station to be located at 130th Street to serve the A2 sanitary sewer district. <br />Based on two units per buildable acre, approximately 810 homes may be developed in the <br />area, including 170 units in the Beaver Ponds subdivision. Staff recommends that the <br />connection fees be established to reimburse the developer 56% of the cost of constructing <br />the sanitary sewer lift station, in accordance with the Council's May 8, 1998 policy on <br />reimbursing private developers. This will result in a hookup charge of approximately $280 <br />per unit. <br />The hearing was opened for public comment. Dean Atkinson, 13452 Goodview Avenue, <br />questioned whether the lift station would be of use to his property given the distance <br />between his property and the lift station, and the limited difference in elevation. The City <br />Administrator explained the ordinance established a hookup charge, not an assessment, <br />and that property owners would only be charged for actual connections made to the lift <br />station. If it was not feasible to construct such a connection, then the property would not <br />be charged a connection fee. Kevin Peltier asked about the capability of the lift station to <br />serve his property south of 130th Street, along Goodview Avenue. Mr. Angus explained <br />that it is expected that the northern portion of Mr. Peltier's property will be serviced by <br />the lift station to be constructed as a part of Beaver Ponds, and that the southern part of <br />his property would eventually be serviced by a lift station located on 120th Street. <br />Theodora Peltier asked if interest was to be charged on the hookup fee. The City <br />Administrator explained that the ordinance did allow for the hookup charge to be <br />increased on an annual basis, by a percentage to be determined by the City Council. <br />Mr. Tom Jackson, 5939 Egg Lake, questioned how this hookup charge related to the <br />City's REC charge made against homes as they are permitted in the City. Staff explained <br />that the REC charge was used for fund capital improvements to the City's sanitary sewer <br />
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