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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCEL MEETING OF JULY 8, 1998 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:35 p.m. at the Rice Lake Park <br />Building. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Water Resource Engineer, Pete Willenbring <br />ABSENT: Debra Barnes <br />This special meeting was called for the purpose of receiving an update on current water <br />management projects being undertaken by the City. Mr. Willenbring made a presentation <br />to the Council, and provided a handout explaining the status of current water resource <br />projects. <br />Mr. Willenbring explained that the City has applied for a permit from the RCWD to <br />establish an outlet from Oneka Lake to Clearwater Creek. He stated that if this route was <br />not acceptable to the Watershed District, an easterly route to Hardwood Creek would also <br />work. He explained that a small diameter pipe would be constructed with an invert <br />elevation of 931 feet, discharging approximately 5 cubic feet per second of water from the <br />lake during periods of high water. The pipe is being used in order not to affect adjacent <br />wetlands and the ground water regime of the area. This would maintain the water <br />elevation of the lake and its current elevation. <br />The City now has a permit available to clean and replace culverts along the ditch on the <br />east side of TH61, between 165th Street and 152nd Street. Plans include establishing a <br />weir, and restoring the storm water flow in the ditch to its historic elevations. <br />WSB is also preparing a comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan for the <br />developing area along the west side of Oneka Lake to include the addition of storm water <br />storage and reducing the peak discharge rate by 3040. Mr. Willenbring reviewed the <br />City's plans for improvement of Clearwater Creek from the outflow of Bald Eagle Lake to <br />the new culvert proposed under 3 5E. He explained that there is substantial evidence <br />available to indicate that the profile for Hardwood Creek is currently three feet above <br />what was originally constructed, and the City is working with the Watershed District to <br />establish a new profile for the ditch, based on its 1908 as -built plans. <br />Mr. Willenbring then explained that the Watershed District is considering adopting new <br />rules that would impact the City of Hugo, including requiring larger storm water holding <br />ponds to encourage infiltration. He stated that though this may have some limited positive <br />environmental impact for downstream property, the benefit of these improvements need to <br />be balanced with their additional cost. <br />The Council then considered a draft Development Agreement between the City and North <br />Suburban Development, Inc., for the planned subdivision known as Oneka Lake View. <br />