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1997.06.30 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1997 CC Minutes
1997.06.30 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCEL MEETING OF JUNE 30.1997 <br />Acting Mayor, Jim Leroux, convened a special meeting of the Hugo City Council at <br />7:45PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Johnson, Leroux <br />Mayor Won arrived at the meeting at approximately 8:00PM. <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />City Planner, Ed Elliott <br />The purpose of the meeting was to allow staff to brief the Council on the planning for <br />.expansion of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. The City Administrator went over the <br />project's objectives with a brief description of the public improvements to be constructed <br />along Falcon/Fenway Avenue and 134th Street. The City's Finance Director discussed <br />potential financing for the project including the following: <br />• Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Bond of approximately $264,000 <br />• General Obligation (GO) Improvement Bond of approximately $1,719,000 <br />• Use of State Aid Street Funds, in the amount of $1,320,000 <br />The project will include assessments against benefited property owners amounting to <br />approximately $.77 a sq ft. The City Administrator cited a possible schedule for the <br />improvements, that would begin with purchasing the Rosemary Linden property located in <br />the Park in July or early August of this year, and finish with the construction of <br />Falcon/Fenway Avenue during the summer of 1998. Ed Elliott then presented the Council <br />with copies of the draft covenants for the Park, that establish standards for site <br />development and building construction. He requested the Council provide him feedback <br />on the standards. <br />The Mayor then opened the meeting for public questions and comments. Tom Jackson, <br />5939 Egg Lake Road, one of the property owners in the Park, questioned the need for a <br />sidewalk along side Falcon/Fenway Avenue, and the street lights, totaling together <br />approximately $300,000. The City Administrator responded that it is typical for the City <br />to construct pedestrian walkways or bike paths along side collector streets, both as a <br />safety issue, and in this case, to provide pedestrian access to the downtown area. Robyn <br />LaCasse questioned whether the EAW, proposed for the project, would include just the <br />Industrial Park area, or also the 80 acres of tax -forfeited property along Clearwater Creek. <br />The response was that the Clearwater Creek project will have its own review process, but <br />will also be considered as part of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, since it will be used to <br />store storm water runoff for the project. Rosemary Linden asked if the Council would be <br />willing to make a decision whether to buy her property by January 7, 1998. The Council <br />informed Ms. Linden that they would be making a decision at the meeting. Grace LaValle <br />asked questions regarding the financing of the project, and whether the TIF District would <br />apply to just Rosemary Linden's property that the City is buying, or the entire 90 -acre <br />
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