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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT MEETING OF' THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAY T()WN <br />BOARD_ HELD ON JUNE _-1 = . 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Hugo Mayor, Fran Miron, at 7:30 PM. <br />PRESENT FROM THE CITY OF HUGO <br />City Council: Andrew Goiffon, James Leroux:, Fran Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Clerk., Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Debra Barnes and Marvin LaValle <br />PRESENT FROM MAY TOWNSHIP <br />Town Board: Tracy Mazanec and Rebecca Johnson <br />ABSENT: John Adam <br />OTHERS PRESENT <br />Ed Matthiesen. Project Engineer, Montgomery Watson <br />Molly Shodeen, MnDNR <br />Shelley Hoff, Army Corps of Engineers <br />Mark Herwig, Congressman Luther's Office <br />Don Wisniewski, Washington County Public Works <br />Dennis Hegberg,, Washington County Commissioner <br />At this time, Ed Matthiesen reviewed options available to relieve the <br />Goggins/School Section flooding problems, as outlined in his draft <br />feasibility study. Options 1 and 2 would discharge water into Brown's <br />Creek; Option .? would discharge water into Long Lake (RCWD); and Option 4 <br />would be to purchase property. Total project cost for the recommended <br />Option 1 is estimated at $456,164.00 , with residents being assessed <br />according to valuation of their property. <br />The meeting was then opened for public comments/questions. <br />Al Kemp stated that his woods and trout pond would be flooded if water was <br />discharged into Brown's Creek. Further study of downstream impact would <br />have to be assessed prior to the DNR issuing the required permit. <br />Brent Frye questioned whether the culvert ender C.R. 57 was low enough, <br />and was told that the culvert location would be given consideration. <br />Karen Kilbera asked is the railroad would be paying for improvements, and <br />if any other agencies had been contacted to participate in paying for the <br />project. At this time, the railroad has not indicated a willingness to <br />pay for costs, and Ms. Kilberg was informed that all identified agencies <br />that could participate in project costs were present at tonight's meeting. <br />Larry Lucking questioned if a cause for the flooding had been determined. <br />Mr. Matthiesen attributed the flooding to precipitation, landlocked lakes, <br />and high groundwater. <br />