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�II►ll��'_._ ;�I _' �;1' 1 1 I' �I 1 ;I �I 11 �� 1 I� �� �I �.�1' �_� <br />wll`wwlly.l 111401 VA: <br />The meeting was called to order by Hugo's Mayor, Fran Miron, at 7:45PM. <br />PRESENT FROM THE CITY OF HUGO <br />City Council: Andrew Goiffon, Tun Leroux, Fran Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />Council -elect, Debi Johnson <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Tim Agness and Debra Barnes <br />John Adams <br />Rebecca Johnson <br />ABSENT: Tracy Mazanec <br />OTfIERS PRESENT <br />Project engineer, Ed Matthiessen <br />Washington County Administrator, Tun Schug <br />Washington County Engineer, Don Wisniewski <br />Washington County Commissioner, Dennis Hegberg <br />DNR, Molly Shodeen <br />Army Corps of Engineers, Shelley Hoff <br />WCSWC, Mark Doneux <br />Hugo's City Administrator addressed the residents providing them with a brief <br />history of what has transpired to -date, as well as the funding sources that have <br />been researched. The only known source of funding is from the Army Corps of <br />Engineers. Shelley Holt speaking on their behalf, explained the funding process, <br />and it would take four to five years to implement the project. <br />DNR representative, Molly Shodeen, stated that they had just received a copy of <br />the downstream impact study, but stated it was known that there would be a <br />problem for brown trout when water was discharged in the winter months. She <br />also said that long-term costs could not be determined until the upper watershed <br />was fully developed. <br />Project engineer, Ed Matthiessen of Montgomery Watson, then provided a project <br />description and addressed adverse impact concerns. <br />