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1995.02.27 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1995 CC Minutes
1995.02.27 CC Minutes
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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 27. 1995 <br />The meeting was reconvened from the regular City Council meeting of <br />February 21, 1995 by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:3C► PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, LaValle, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />OSM engineer, Brian Bourassa <br />The Council meeting of February 21, 1995 was recessed until this evening <br />in order to allow the City Engineer to review concerns raised by Council <br />member LaValle regarding a proposed housing development south of Cedar <br />Street and west of Elmcrest Avenue, and its potential impact on the City <br />of Hugo. <br />Mr. Bourassa had researched Council concerns raised on the 21st and <br />provided a detailed explanation of his findings. The Council discussed <br />the development and had the following concerns: <br />1. SEWER - The City of Hugo has a contractual arrangement with the <br />Metropolitan Waste Control Commission regarding reserved capacity for <br />the City's use of the Forest Lake interceptor, and the City needs to <br />insure that this capacity is preserved for the City's future use. In <br />addition, the Centerville force main has a record of leakage and is an <br />environmental concern to the City. The Council directed staff to <br />contact the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, requesting that the <br />City be notified of any future breakage in the line. There was <br />discussion regarding a potential change in the alignment of the <br />Centerville force main to parallel County Road 14/8, and also the <br />potential that inflow/infiltration into this line may be being charged <br />to the City of Hugo. <br />2. DRAINAGE - The drainage from the proposed development will flow <br />through a culvert under Elmcrest Avenue to the City of Hugo. The City <br />needs to find out who's responsible for cleaning and maintaining this <br />culvert. In addition, the drainage study underway for the Clearwater <br />Creek basin shows that Clearwater Creek needs to be cleaned, and <br />perhaps, reprofiled, and that a low -flow culvert needs to be <br />established under 35E. <br />3. PARKS - A large park abutting Elmcrest Avenue is scheduled as a part <br />of the proposed development, although no parking and access points are <br />shown for the park. This could generate additional traffic on to <br />Elmcrest Avenue. <br />4. TRAFFIC - Elmcrest Avenue is a concern given that Lino Lakes' problems <br />with financing improvements to their portion of the street. The <br />proposed development will have some impact on Elmcrest Avenue, and <br />also potentially, on other roads in the City as traffic attempts to <br />reach White Bear Lake. <br />5. WATER - It could be of benefit to the City of Hugo to sell water to <br />Lino Lakes as an interim measure to serve this development. There is <br />potential for this to be of benefit to both communities. <br />
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