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M I NL.1TK FOR THE D I SQ I PL I NARY HEARING HELD ON _ AUGUSI" 199;' <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the disciplinary hearing with the following in <br />attendance: <br />COUNCIL: Debra Barnes, Andrew Goiffon, Marvin LaValle, James Leroux, Fran <br />Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Fire Chief, Jim Wisner <br />City Clerk., Mary Ann Creager <br />The meeting was called for the purpose of allowing the City Council to <br />receive information and deliberate to determine whether or not discipline <br />of any nature may be warranted against Ron Istvanovich, Sr. Mr. <br />Istvanovich is an employee of the City of Hugo, employed as a volunteer <br />fire fighter. It was been alleged by the City of Hugo Fire Chief, Jim <br />Wisner, that Mr. Istvanovich has not attended the required number of <br />training drills and meetings. It was also alleged that Mr. Istvanovich's <br />conduct violated Section 1209:2 (paragraphs 1, 2, & 4). For the record, <br />Mr. Istvanovich, Sr., acknowledged that he had received notice of the <br />hearing, and that he requested that't.he meeting be open to the public. <br />Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, presented written documentation supporting his <br />allegations. There were no other witnesses supporting these allegations. <br />Mr. Tstvanov.ich, Sr., submitted a letter from of support. William Buyst.edt. <br />Because documentation submitted by the Fire Chief did not corroborate his <br />allegation that Mr. Ron, Sr., did not attend the required <br />number of training drill and meetings, the following motion was. made: <br />L...aYal le made motion, Barnes seconded. that this Council make a finding <br />that discipline of any nature cannot be warranted based upon the <br />information received by the Council at this meeting. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />Goiffon made motion, LaValle, seconded, that this proceeding be closed and <br />that the case be concluded. The City Attorney is directed to provide <br />Findings of Fact relative to this hearing. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />It <br />2* <br />M;er <br />C <br />