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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING _OF__SEPTEME±ER 1- . _1995 <br />The recessed City Council meeting of September 11, 1995, was reconvened by <br />Mayor Miron at 6:00 PM at the Washington County Public Works building. <br />PRESENT: Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Engineer representative, Pete Willenbring <br />em <br />The u pose for this meeting was to review possible solutions to the <br />flooding problems being experienced along Brown's Creek with <br />representative of adjacent communities, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, <br />MNDNR. Brown's Creek WMO, Washington County ASCS, Washington County <br />Department of Public Works, and area residents. <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus, facilitated the meeting, which <br />identified agency and individual concerns regarding the management of the <br />Brown's Creek watershed, as well as potential resources to help resolve <br />these problems. A list of the concerns and resources is attached <br />separately and made a part of these minutes. <br />A group consensus was reached that four activities must be undertaken in <br />order to resolve the flooding, environmental, and development concerns in <br />the watershed: <br />1. The future organizational structure of the Brown's Creek. WMO should <br />be defined. Possibilities include transitioning_ the organization to <br />a watershed management district or amending the Joint Powers <br />Agreement among the communities comprising the watershed. This <br />matter was to be discussed further with the assistance of <br />representatives from the Bureau of Soil and Water Resources and DNR <br />at the regularly scheduled Brown's Creek WMO's meeting on September <br />20, 1995. <br />2. Conduct a detailed hydrologic, environmental, and regulatory study of <br />the Brown's Creek watershed in order to develop a base of knowledge <br />with which to create an implementation plan for managing the <br />district. If possible, this study is to be based on an area study <br />undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under a Section 25 <br />small flood control project. <br />3. An implementation plan should be developed for resolving the issues <br />identified by the BCWMO, preferably through the revision to their <br />watershed management plan. <br />4. Various municipalities should review the existing emergency situation <br />in their communities, and take such steps as necessary and reasonable <br />to resolve critical flooding on as on -needed basis. <br />Goiffon made motion, LaValle seconded, to direct Pete Willenbring from the <br />City Engineer's office to facilitate the development and scope of work for <br />the floodplain study with representatives from the adjacent communities <br />and the Corps of Engineers, and provide a recommended scope of work: to the <br />BCWMO during their meeting of 9/20/95, if possible. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />