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1995.11.08 CC Minutes - Homestead Pond project
City Council
City Council Minutes
1995 CC Minutes
1995.11.08 CC Minutes - Homestead Pond project
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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 <br />The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Miron at 7:10PM. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Engineers Tom Angus, Todd Hubmer, Pete Willenbring <br />Carole LaBelle <br />The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposals for the Homestead <br />Pond Project. <br />Pete Willenbring reviewed the proposed solutions of the Homestead Pond <br />which were basically as follows: <br />I. Do nothing. <br />2. Construct a more rigid outlet structure to prevent tampering with the <br />Outflow mechanism at a cost of approximately $10,000. <br />3. Create a defined drainage outlet to Rice Lake at a cost of <br />approximately $94,000. <br />Mr. Willenbrina informed the Council and audience that three different <br />benchmarks, from the DNR and Rice Creek Watershed District, were used to <br />determine the ordinary high water level of 995.5. This level was also <br />based on surrounding vegetation, soils, debris lines, etc. <br />COUncil members concurred that the City should work with area property <br />owners to reestablish lost wetlands .in order to store storm water and <br />avoid more costl,/ drainage improvements. The Council discussed the <br />establishment of a grant program to facilitate wetland construction and to <br />undertake small drainage improvements of local concern. Mr. Willenbring <br />stated that even if wetlands are reestablished, there is not guarantee <br />that the flooding problem on the Waller property would be alleviated. <br />Barnes made motion, seconded by Goi.ffon that the City Council authorizes <br />staff to proceed with the design to construct a lower cost outlet <br />strUCture improvement for the Homestead Avenue Pond consisting of an open <br />ditch and a steel, V -notch, weir outlet structure, at an elevation of <br />995.5, in strict conformance with the DNR OHW determination as recommended <br />by Pete Willenbring; also, consider establishing a grant program for such <br />projects at the next City Council meeting. <br />Miron made motion, seconded by Leroux: to amend the previous motion to <br />ins.lude, the City facilitate participation and cooperation of the <br />homeowners in an effort to reestablish wetlands. <br />VOTE. ON AMENDMENT: BARNES, GOIFFON, LAVALLE. LEROUX. MIRON. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: BARNES, GOIFFON. LAVALLE, LEROUX, MIRON. <br />It was recommended that the City pinpoint potential wetlands and contact <br />property owners for possible creation of wetlands. <br />
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