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LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR WHICH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS GRANTED: <br />Parcel A-1: <br />The part of the West 690 feet of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 31 North, <br />Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota lying North of the South 1265 feet; EXCEPT the <br />North 409.2 feet (as measured along the East line of said Southeast Quarter) of the East <br />2128.50 feet (as measured along the North line of said Southeast Quarter). <br />Parcel A-2: <br />The West 690 feet of the South 1265 feet of the southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 31 <br />North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Parcel A-3: <br />The East 475 feet of the West 1165 of the South 1328 feet of the Southeast Quarter of Section <br />23, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Parcel A-4: <br />The part of the East 966 feet of the West 1656 feet of the Southeast Quarter, Section 23, <br />Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota, lying North of the South <br />1328 feet and lying South of the North 409.2 feet (as measured along the East line of said <br />Southeast Quarter) thereof. <br />