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RESOLUTION 2024-1 <br /> APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM LOT WIDTH <br /> REQUIREMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14565 IRISH AVENUE <br /> NORTH <br /> WHEREAS, Larry and Louann Hanson have requested approval of a variance to allow <br /> for a created lot to be 226 feet wide at the front setback line, where a minimum lot width <br /> of 300 feet is required by ordinance, on property legally described as follows: <br /> See Attached <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said variance at a duly called public <br /> hearing on December 14, 2023, and recommends approval with the following findings <br /> and conditions: <br /> 1. The proposed facilities shall be in adherence to the site plan dated October 10, <br /> 2023. <br /> 2. The proposed variance is permissible by law. <br /> 3. Residential lots that are 10 acres in size and have a minimum depth of 480 feet are <br /> permitted in the Agricultural zoning district. The variance request is due to the <br /> property's unique shape, as well as existing buildings on the lot that would not <br /> meet setback requirements from a property line that evenly splits the lot. A lot <br /> with a width of 226 feet will not look noticeably different than a lot that meets the <br /> lot width requirement. The applicant is proposing to use the property in a <br /> reasonable manner. <br /> 4. The property is unique in that it is a 20 acre lot with a lot width of 554 feet, which <br /> is less than the typical 600 feet, and a lot depth that is greater than what would <br /> typically be seen for a 20 acre lot that is split into two 10 acre lots. Due to the <br /> lot's greater depth, the created parcels would maintain the minimum lot size of 10 <br /> acres. It is in staffs opinion that the need for a variance is due to the existing <br /> dimensions of the site and not due to circumstances created by the landowner. <br /> 5. Lots of 10 acres in size are common in the AG zoning district. The minimum lot <br /> width of 300 feet is to maintain a character of large lots with a greater distance <br /> between homes than in an urban single-family residential district. A lot width of <br /> 226 feet at the front setback line will not noticeably change the character of the <br /> area. <br /> 6. There are practical difficulties in meeting the ordinance standards. <br /> 7. The spirit and intent of the ordinance for a minimum lot width is to create large <br /> lots with a greater distance between buildings. It is in staffs opinion that there <br /> would be a reasonable amount of distance between a proposed home on the site <br /> and neighboring homes, and that the lot will not be noticeably narrower from the <br /> view of the road. The variance as requested meets the spirit and intent of the <br /> ordinance. <br /> 8. The use is allowed in the AG zoning district. <br />