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RESOLUTION 2024-07 <br /> APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR M/I HOMES <br /> OF MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL,LLC, FOR THE SHORES OF ONEKA LAKE 3rd <br /> ADDITION <br /> WHEREAS, M/I Homes of Minneapolis/St. Paul, LLC, has requested approval of a final plat for <br /> the property legally described as follows: <br /> Outlot E and F, The Shores of Oneka Lake <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary plat and PUD at a duly <br /> called public hearing and recommended approval of the preliminary plat and PUD; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council approved the preliminary plat and PUD at its meeting on June 6, <br /> 2022. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOVLED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the request by M/I Homes of <br /> Minneapolis/St. Paul, LLC„ for a final plat, subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. The final plat is approved to allow the creation of 77 lots and 1 outlot, in accordance with <br /> the plans and application received by the City on January 4, 2024, except as amended by <br /> this resolution. <br /> 2. The development shall substantially comply with all plans and conditions of the PUD and <br /> preliminary plat approval granted by the City on June 6, 2022. <br /> 3. Development standards shall comply with Resolution 2022-32 and 2022-33, and as <br /> amended. <br /> 4. The developer shall comply with all conditions outlined in the City Engineer's memo <br /> dated February 28, 2024, and revisions required in "redlined" comments from the City <br /> Engineer. <br /> 5. Outlot use and ownership: <br /> Outlot I Ownership Use <br /> A I M/I Homes I Future development <br /> 6. Temporary drainage and utility easements shall be located over Outlot A. <br /> 7. The developer shall work with staff on Outlot G, The Shores of Oneka Lake amenities <br /> and connections to the parks to the south. <br />