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40F . r• <br />R •. <br />ORDINANCE 2011 -458 - <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE II SECTION 90-38, <br />VARIANCES <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby amend Chapter 90, Article II, to <br />section 90-38 VARIANCES state the following: <br />Sec. 90-38. - Variances. <br />(a) Application requirements. Applications for variances to this chapter shall be made to the <br />community development director or designee on forms provided by the city. To be considered <br />complete, the application shall include: <br />(1) The applicant's name, address, and telephone number. <br />(2) The legal description and address of the property to which the variance shall apply. <br />(3) Proof of ownership of the property to which the variance shall apply. Only the <br />property owner may apply for a variance, and all owners of record must sign the application <br />and agree to the variance. <br />(4) Copies of any previous variances, site plan approvals, conditional use permits, or other <br />permits issued to the site. <br />(5) A detailed description of the variance requested, including reference to those <br />provisions of the chapter to which the variance applies. <br />(6) A detailed statement as to the unique conditions of the property that make the variance <br />desired, as well as what loss of use the property owner will incur if the variance is not <br />granted. <br />(7) A site plan showing the relationship of the variance requested to adjacent property, site <br />development standards, and other information having a bearing on the variance. <br />(8) A sewer and water service plan. <br />(9) Application fees, as established by the city council. <br />(b) Hearing before board of appeals and adjustments. Upon receipt of a completed <br />application for a variance, the community development director or designee shall schedule the <br />application for a hearing before the board of appeals and adjustments. <br />(1) The board of appeals and adjustments will evaluate the applications and will forward <br />recommendations to the City Council. <br />(2)If the variance relates to any floodplain or shoreland standard, notice of the variance <br />request shall be provided to the commissioner of the department of natural resources at least <br />