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<br />The meeting was ca11r-..;d to order by Mayor Atkinson at 7:00 PM.
<br />PRESENT: McAllister, Jesinsk:i, Olson, Vail, Atkinson
<br />City Administrator, Ken Huber
<br />City Finance- Officer, Ron ut-.k:in
<br />City C=lerk:, Mary Ann Creager
<br />Olson made motion, Vail seconded, to approve the minutes for the regular
<br />City Council meeting of September- 4, 1990 as submitted.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />Jesinsk:i made motion, Olson seconded, to approve the minutes for the:
<br />special City Council meeting of September i, 1990 as submitted.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />Vail made motion, jesinsk:i seconded, to approve the claims for September
<br />17, 1990 in the amount of $36,543.99.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />AUTO__q_SM1At'd•'I"l.,1_hlq.....1,:::11Er.JSF;__ Y:SFr�ND-1Z'C �•F_� J(YY.
<br />On behalf of Cee Jays, Inc., Richard and M.ikel Brandt have made
<br />application to the City of Hugo for an auto dismantling license at 1661.5
<br />Forest Boulevard, Hugo, Mie.{. The operating hours of this business are 7:00
<br />AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. This application ic:_at-ion is being made
<br />pursuant to Chapter 130-2 of the municipal code. The appropriate
<br />application and financial deposit have been received by the City. An auto
<br />dismantling yard allows for the storing and keeping of two or more
<br />vehicles, by any person on private property within the City of Hugo, for -
<br />purposes of dismantling and disposition of parts and salvage material..
<br />Although this business operation requires the annual renewal of an auto
<br />dismantling license, the Counci.l policy requires administrative review: of
<br />the application on the odd -numbered years, and Council review on the
<br />even --numbered years.. The City Council reserves the right to review this
<br />permit at any time if violations of the permit occur or activities on site
<br />change. The applicants have indicated that their site plan has not
<br />changed from previous years. The City staff is recommending that Section
<br />10 of the previous permit be amended to read as: follows: "The:;
<br />owner/operator shall install a monitoring well on site at a location, and
<br />.in a manner, acceptable to the Washington County Health Department:., and
<br />that at least one t.e,s.'t must be performed annually at a laboratory of the
<br />owner/operator's choice, and the results of said gest for oil, gas, lead,
<br />and anti -free e, etc., be submitted to both the: City of Hugo :and the
<br />Washington County Health Department prior to the anniversary i-!at.r-.:y of this
<br />license ].S'1_faf1C:E?.
<br />McAllister made motion, v'a_i.l seconded, t.r_•, approve the request of Richard
<br />and Mik:el Brandt for an Auto Dismantling License at. 16615 Forest:. Blvd.,
<br />subject to the recommended ed change .in Condition #10, and all previous
<br />special conditions, with an expiration date of 10 /3/91.
<br />All aye. Motion Carried.
<br />