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1®9 <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />October 21, 1985 <br />The Special meeting of the Council was reconvened on October 22, 1985 at 7:05PM, <br />by Mayor McAllister <br />PRESENT: Potts, Peltier, Schwab, McAllister, Howard Kuusisto <br />ABSENT: Hauer <br />Mr. Kuusisto stated that he felt it was possible for residents on the southwest <br />side of Sunset Lake to build a walkway to the lake but it may require a culvert. <br />He also indicated that on Oct. 10, 1985 there was standing water on each lot. <br />Motion made by McAllister, seconded by Peltier that any resident of Lots <br />3 through 9 may submit a drainage plan to the City Engineer and apply for an <br />amended Special Use Permit. When the engineer informsthe clerk he has reviewed <br />such a plan the item may be placedon the Planning Commission agenda. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Zerwas - Goodview Ave. - Mr. Kuusisto has not received any information <br />regarding the proposed subdivision. After his review this matter will be <br />placedon the Planning Commission agenda. <br />The clerk was directed to invite Mr. John Jurgens, Washington County, <br />First District Commissioner, to a City Council meeting to discuss the <br />recording of deeds and possible other issues. This would be scheduled <br />at a time convenient to him. <br />Motion made by McAllister, seconded by Peltier that the clerk is to inform <br />applicants that all issues,regardless of recommendation will be placed on <br />the next City Council meeting. If they wish to withdraw their application <br />it must be presented to the clerk's office in writing. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />City Manager - McAllister made motion, seconded by Peltier to direct the <br />clerk to contact the League of Minnesota Cities for a job description for <br />the position of City Manager. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />,Mayor McAllister will contact Mary Hauser for instruction on completion <br />of the refund application and whether it is mandatory. <br />The clerk was instructed to contact Robert Lockyear to determine if the <br />City owes his department any money. <br />The matter of division of land was discussed and it was decided that all <br />applications will be considered a full subdivision and may be downgraded <br />at the Planning Commission level. First a sketch plan will be required. <br />Second a preliminary plan which may be forwarded to the Council and finally <br />a final plan. Mr. Atkinson will compose an accompanying letter to be dis- <br />tributed to applicants wishing to divide property. <br />