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FEBRU4.RY 4, 1974 T"U UTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OFf <br /> The meeting was called to order- at 7:09 P14 by Mayor Crever. Roll was j <br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Lease present. Leroux absent. <br /> The minutes of January 21st were then reviewed. Motion made by Lease, <br /> seconded by LaValle to approve minutes of January 21 , 1974 as presented. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The general claims for payment were reviewed, and the council decided <br /> to delete # 16, Carl Dale's claim for the time being. Claims # 21 through <br /> 36 are to be deleted for a few days to insure proper names on the payments. <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle to pay all claims with the <br /> exception of #16, and #21 through 36, until attorney remits proper names. <br /> Motion cariied. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to pay water department claims <br /> as presented. Motion carried. <br /> Appointment of a council person for Ward III was the next item on the <br /> agenda. Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to adopt Resolution <br /> #74-1 , a resolution appointing Lawrence Lee Martin as a member of the <br /> city council representing Ward III for the City of Hugo, Minnesota, to <br /> fill the vacancy left by councilwoman Bjorum. LaValle, Lease, Crever for, <br /> Leroux absent. Motion carried. Mr. Martin vras then sworn into office by <br /> clerk Burkard. <br /> Next item on the agenda was the Oak Vista Estates Subdivision. Bruce <br /> Folz appeared and stated the following information regarding the subdivision; <br /> The subdivision consists of eighty (80) acres, 70/ wooded. There is a <br /> proposed north-south road through the subdivision making one loop and end- <br /> ing in a cul-de-sac to the southeast. They pro ose to leave the tract as <br /> natural as possible, having only thirty eight �38) lots. Seventeen percent <br /> of the land shall be left as open space for the enjoyment of people living <br /> there. There will be individual wells and septic systems, although soil <br /> borings or percolation tests have not been made as yet. They propose to <br /> build a seven (7) ton gravel road rather than a blacktop road, as utilities <br /> will keep breaking up the road. <br /> The planning commission had recommended to the council that this subdivision <br /> be approved as a preliminary plat, but the council felt they didn't know <br /> enough about the situation to give approval at the present time. Some of <br /> the council members are to look over the subdivision this week, and dis- <br /> cuss the matter further with the planning commission on February 12th. <br /> It was mentioned that since 17% of the tract was to be left open space, <br /> the subdivider would .like to pay the city $25.00 per lot toward the city <br /> park fund, rather than donate more land. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to table the discussion on Oak <br /> Vista Estates until the council meeting of February 19, 1974. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle and seconded that mining permit be approved for one <br /> year for George Indyki•ewicz, with the same conditions required as in 1973, <br /> and an inspection fee of $171 .00. Mr. Indykiewicz is to provide the bond <br /> and insurance certificate, and the clerk's office will type the new permit <br /> for signature. Motion carried. <br /> It was stated that Vern Peloquin had not had the survey completed for <br /> his minor subdivision as yet. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Martin <br /> to table minor subdivision of Vern Peloquin until the 19th of February. <br /> Motion carried. <br />