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IaY 29, 1974 I:II'?UT:CS 0.7 PROCEEDINGS OF TTIE CITY COLTNCIL CITY Or H[TGO 109 <br /> SPF,CIAL T7 DTII G c7 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 11 PY by T'a.yor Lease. Roll was <br /> called: Lease, L•aValle, T,''artin, Leroux present. <br /> TTayor Lease stated the purpose of the special meeting was to hear all <br /> those people interested in being appointed to the Council to fill the <br /> vacancy of Council person At Large, and to fill the one vacancy on the <br /> Planning Commission. He said he would like each person to give their <br /> name, address, and any reasons they would like to be appointed. <br /> Theodora Peltier spoke first, saying she was 57 years old, lived at <br /> 13094 Goodview Avenue in Hugo, and was born and raised in On�,ka Town— <br /> ship. She served one year on the City Council after the Township and <br /> Village merged, and is very interested in what happens in the community. <br /> James Smith, 13560 Homestead Avenue spoke next. He is 37 years old, and <br /> has lived in Hugo approximately one year, although has owned land here <br /> longer. He is prepared to give of his time to consider the needs and <br /> wishes of the people of Hugo. He has been employed at times with the <br /> Federal Government, State Government, and now local government at the <br /> school system level. He is interested in giving input into his city. <br /> Patricia T•:anlce, 5147 165th street said she is 44 years old, and has a <br /> bir; interest in 1Iugo and would like to help -return the government back <br /> to the people. She has lived in ITu-o approximately six years. <br /> Laurie Ridler said she is 29 years old, and has lived in Hugo two years. <br /> Resides at 16842 Ingersoll Avenue. She thinks the Council neeJ:, -.% • r <br /> ��aople to give new ideas to government. .while living at Big Cornelian <br /> Lake, her husband was president of the Cornelian Hills Association, a <br /> homeowners association consisting of approximately 300 persons. <br /> Dan Spitzer, 5688 141st Street said he is 41 years old, and has been a <br /> resident of I3ugo for sit; years. In 1970 he headed the joint co�.--iittee for <br /> fire protection. In 1971 :ie served one year on the old Village Council. <br /> He has been a member of the Planning Commission since 1972, the better <br /> part of 1973 spent as Chairman of that body. Ne has a strong interest in <br /> local gvernment. He grew up on a farm in Virginia, and has a. Doctors <br /> Degree in Physics. Ire is employed by Finnesota '"ining and T'anufacturing, <br /> and deals with traffic and its control across the country. In his business, <br /> he deals with government officials across the United States. <br /> Deane Vail is also interested in the Council position, but was out of <br /> town on business, and unable to appear. <br /> Next were those interested in the position on the Planning Cor-1-mission. <br /> Howard Schletty said he is 52 years old, and was born. in Oneka Tow.rnship. <br /> Tlis father was road boss for approxinately ten ;years and was then on the <br /> old Town Board. ITowrard himself vlorlced the road grader and snow plows for <br /> the Towmship and thus know t'.,e roads very well. He would like to get the <br /> government back into the hands of the people also. <br /> Arnold Ranke said he is 60 years old, and has lived six years in Hugo. <br /> He has worked twenty seven years at 'gest Publishing Company, and re— <br /> ceived his education in Flint TIichigan. Lived for thirty years in T"aple— <br /> wood, I-innesota. He said he thinks he could do a good job on the Planning <br /> Co3mmiission because he is interested in what becomes of Hugo. <br />