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1972.04.17 ORD 1972-105
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1972 CC Ordinances
1972.04.17 ORD 1972-105
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10/26/2017 2:11:36 PM
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City Council
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ORDINANCE NUMBER 145 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE CERTAIN PROVISIONS Or THE HICH'4AY <br />TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT AND DRIVERS LICENSES ACT OF THE STATE Or <br />MINNESOTA. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Hugo hereby ordains: <br />Section 1. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE - ?MINNESOTA IIIGHWAY TRAFFIC <br />REGULATION ACT. The Minnesota Highway Traffic regulation Act, being <br />Chanter 169, Minnesota Statutes, and all amendments and revisions <br />thereof, be and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated by <br />reference as an Ordinance of the Village of Hugo, and all the pro- <br />visions therein set forth shall he as much a part of this Ordinance <br />as if they had been set out herein in full. <br />Section 2. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE - DRIVERS LIC:I*?SE ACT. The <br />Drivers License Act, being Chapter 171, Minnesota Statutes, relating <br />to the licensing of drivers, and all amendments an(l. revisions thereof, <br />be and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as an <br />Ordinance of the Village of Iiugo, and all the provisions therein set <br />forth shall be as much a part of this Ordinance as if thev had been <br />set out herein in full. <br />Section 3. COPIES OF ACTS. Three conies of the Minnesota <br />highway Traffic Regulation Act, Chapter 169, Minnesota Statutes, and <br />three conies of the Drivers License Act, Chanter 171, Minnesota <br />Statutes, as published respectively by the State of. !4innesota, shall <br />be marked by the Village Clerk as official conies, and filed for the <br />use and examination by the public in the office of the Village Clerk. <br />Section 4. PENALTIES. Any person, firm, or corporation <br />violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of <br />a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a <br />fine of not more than three hundred dollars (;300.00), or by imprison- <br />ment in the county jail for not more than ninety (90) dans, or both., <br />but if any minimum fine or imnrisorment is prescribed by the Hich,.ay <br />Traffic Regulation Act for an offense, said :prescribed minimum fire <br />or imprisonment shall apply to a person convicted or pleading guilty <br />of the same offense under this Ordinance. <br />Section 5. REPEAL Or F.XISTIP;G ORDI'TA CEf Orekrt Ordinance <br />No. 22 , entitled "An Ordinance adonting by reference certain oro- <br />visions—of the Iliahwa ,* Traffic regulatio::c Act and Driver; License <br />Act of the State of Minnesota" nassed on the 26tzdaV April , <br />1971; and Iiugo Ordinance No. 32, entitled "An Orciinanrr reauLl tin., the <br />use of the highways in the Village of. Hugo, Minnesota, and innosi n:- <br />penalties thereof" nassed the 26th day of Sentember, 1917; and Hua' <br />Ordinance No. 43, entitled "An Ordinance requlating the use of highways <br />within the City (Vi.11ace) of I'uao, incornoratinn nrovisi.ons of the <br />State Ilighwav Traffic Regulation Act by reference, and imoosinq a <br />penalty for the violation thereof" passed tle 4th day of Tune, 1956; <br />
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