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08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Aug. 2, 1973 <br />The Open Space meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. on Aug. 2, 1973 <br />by Chairman McLean. Members present; Clausen, Marier, Zelinka. Absent; <br />Lehman. Mr. Dave Torkildson, County Representative was also present. <br />Mr. McLean summarized the action to this date and asked the members if <br />they had a chance to read the current resolution. Some had and some had <br />not. In order to inform the people in the audience, Mr. McLean read the <br />resolution. Mr. McLean questioned the wording in the last paragrapp. He <br />asked Mr. Torkildson if the phase' hereinabove described' pertained only <br />to this paragraph or did it refer to entire resolution. <br />Mr. Torkildson said he wasn't sure of the intent - he would have to check <br />with the County Attorney. <br />Mr. McLean also questioned the intent of paragraph 3. Mr. Torkildson agre'd <br />that something was missing. The thoughts were not tied together• and the <br />intent of the paragraph was not clear. <br />gr. Zelinka questioned the total acreage figure - the maximun number of <br />acres was 2500 but the map shows a total of 2695 acres. There was discuss - <br />!on on the acreage with Mr. Trokildson explaining that the figure of 2500 <br />+c.res was before the Baldwin Lake area had been added and parts of the <br />Jandric property had been added after the figures had been compiled. <br />Mr. Marier felt that in order toagree on the Resolution which refers to <br />Exhibit A (the map showing the proposed open space area) it would be <br />necessary to have the total acreage and the boundaries. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to split paragraph 3 into paragraphs 3, 4, & 5 by adding <br />the word 'Whereas' after the word 'Council' in the fifth line and start a <br />new paragraph; Add 'Whereas after the word 'community' in the eighth line <br />and start a new paragraph; He believed that by this action the meaning <br />would be clear. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion carried <br />with Mr. Marier voting, No, because he did not know the intent of the <br />County as to this particular paragraph. <br />Mr. Zelinka then suggested that in paragraph #8 which would become paragraph <br />;110 with the above split of paragraph #3, to include the following phase. <br />After 'hereinabove described' add 'in this paragraph only'. He so moved. <br />Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean said the major differences in the maps centers around the <br />Jandric property. He went over the two maps noting the areas that are in <br />question. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the boundaries should be pulled back to the original <br />outlines as presented by the Village and include just the minimum area. <br />Mr. McLean said the concern of the Commission was by including this much <br />area, the County would be putting the Jandric project in jeopardy. He <br />felt this :could possibly put the Villlage in a bad position because of <br />the money we have invested in that area. Mr. McLean also thought this <br />might give Mr. Jandric the opening necessary for defaulting on this project <br />swing that with so much of the developable land taken it was not a <br />
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