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►9 s7 <br /> CRCtlPU►11G11: fY0 council sh:3l excuse him; but If inter- utes at his request. Aye and vote <br /> Al!E ORj3 CE ESTAI3LISHING Cried lne radi not vote. In douUtfU3 shall be takaeA iipOIIy n1 at <br /> RUL=S CCW AND eases tics ednalr o any the request of aaanar`ber and the <br /> om THE GE OF memiber call for a, Z Msb r1 Yews results entered In the pq#nt es. Eve p <br /> LJX0 LAKM A and nays shall be called upon a regular member shall vote Ya sudt erase unips <br /> The VUIW Cenuneli of the Village of tion aL the chair of an�Y member la the Council by majority vote shall ear <br /> Lino Lakess do erdaln as fellows: which a the names of the members case a member from voting. <br /> 'E Rene t. The Village council shall voting era required to be recorded In Rule 26. Minutes of the meeting shall <br /> have regular sessions on the 2nd and the minutes. be p by the clerk shall be <br /> 4th Mo s of each month at 8:30 Rule 14. All questions shall be put riff end tby the clerk, and shall oonsti- <br /> o'clock P.M. and, if such Monday shall In the order In which they are moved, tote an official record of the council <br /> fail on a holiday shall have its regular except In case of privileged questions. Proceedings. Upon approval of the mYn- <br /> session the next day following, and Rule 15. The previous question shall utes at a subsequent meeting of the <br /> adjourned and special sessions at any be put In these words: "Shall the main council, the mayor shall sign the min- <br /> other time the council may deem Question now be In the event put?" It shall be ad- utes. Lack of such mayors signature <br /> Proper• mittesd on demand a as two men- or council.approval shallnot invaYi- <br /> Rule 2 D The mayor shall aanenelm�ents til decided l preclude <br /> mainofficial date such tes as the clerk shall fail or <br /> �tings of the council. In the ab- all and debate <br /> the mayor, the acting mayor question. decline to amend or change his min- <br /> shall preside. In the absence of both, Rene 16. Ali committees including utes, upon Informal request, at the <br /> the trustees shall elect one of their CaIIlmitiees shall be appointed time they are submitted for aDgroval, <br /> number a temporary chairman. The the chair, unless expressly ordered the council may by motion carried by <br /> acting mayor and temporary chairman b the council. majority vote amend the pninutes. such <br /> when occupying the place of the mayor to 17. After an ordinance shall amendsng motion shall become, a part <br /> shall have the same privileges as other ha passed, a complete and accurate of the minutes of the subsequent meet <br /> members. as amended shall be made by the Inc.Passed <br /> Rule 3. At all meetings of the coup- cY and shalt be signed by the mayor assed this 26th yy of A_u,�gg t, 2967. <br /> ell, a majority of the council members or In his absence by the acting mayor, S{ARNOLD"KELtW. Mayor <br /> elected, shall constitute a quorum to and deposited with the clerk. who ATTEST: <br /> do business. _ shall aatttesttt seal, number <br /> file, and S/ HARRYIlge PROULX <br /> Rule . e the hour appointedcalled in tthe ordiranceeboo�k.same permanently <br /> of the V11 <br /> meeting, the members shall be to order by the mayor, and In his ab- complete-ordinance as amended direct- (Published in The Anoka Herald <br /> sauce by the acting mayor, and in the ly into the ordinance book and orlg- Sept. 8. <br /> absence of both, by the clerk. The Ynai signatures and seal therm shall <br /> clerk shall call the roll note the ab- be cocapNance, with this section. The <br /> sentees and announce whether a quor- affidavit of publication shall be per <br /> um be resent. In the absence of the mare Inserted In the ordinance <br /> clerk, the mayor shall appoint a seere- boost ` r each ordinances: <br /> tary pro tem..Upon the apppearance of Rule 1a. Petitions and other papers <br /> a quorum the council shaA proceed to addressed to the council shall be read <br /> business which shall be conducted In by the clerk upon presentation of the <br /> the following order: same to the council. <br /> 1. Call to order. Rule 19. Ail sessions of the council <br /> 2. Roll call. shall be public. <br /> 3 Reading of the minutes of the Rule 20. The marshal (chief of <br /> last meeting, which if no cornea police) shall attend meetings of the <br /> tier be offered, shall stand ap- council when requested to do so by <br /> proved. the mayor and preserve order In the <br /> 4. Presentations of petitions. me- room. <br /> mortals, and remonstrances. Rule 21. These rules; or any of <br /> 5. Reports of standing committees. them, may be temporarily sus <br /> ended <br /> 6. Reports of special committees. by consent of a majority of all coun- <br /> 7. Reports of officials. ciimen, and shall not be al- <br /> 8 Notices and communications. tered, or amended, unless concur+ <br /> 9. Introduction of ordinances. rence of a majority of hole <br /> 10. Unfinished business. council, and upon notice given at <br /> 11. Motions and resolutions. some preceding meeting. <br /> 12. Special order of business. Rule 22. In all points not Covered <br /> 13. Presentations of claim& by these rules the council shall be gov- <br /> Adjournment. erned in its procedure by Robert's . <br /> Rule S. The presiding officer shall Rules of Order. - <br /> preserve order and decorum and shall Rule 23. The foregoing rules are <br /> decide grestions of order subject to adopted to facilitate the transaction of <br /> tie council. The presiding council business and functions. They <br /> MOP may make motions, second no- should not be permitted to defeat or <br /> tires or streak on any question pro- hinder the plainly expressed intent <br /> i�, <br /> v however, that in order to do and desire of the council. Informal <br /> set, upon demand of any one council compliance and s::bstautW perform- � <br /> rnem he shall vacate the chair and ance shall be s:fficlent under the fore- <br /> pdoersllSmte a trustee to reside tem- going rules iIsnythe absence of objec <br /> to vote like other member entitled <br /> tthee herebyY declared no taken. <br /> havejection Is <br /> been sea-- <br /> counciI. sonably taken as to procedural mat- <br /> Rule S. Every member, previous to te'rs provided for herein if a council <br /> his speaking,shall address the chairman member present at a meeting fails to <br /> and shall rat proceed until he has abject during the meeting and requests <br /> been recognized Dy the cir. He shall compliance with these rules. and such <br /> indulge iri ne personalities, and shall objection shalt not be seasonably taken <br /> confine his reemarks to the natter un- by an absent member later than the <br /> der debate. next regular meeting after the pro- <br /> Rate 7. No member shall speak more ceedtngs to which objection Is made. <br /> than twice on any question, nor more Rule 24. Special meetings nay be <br /> than five minutes each time without called by the mayor or two mom- <br /> unantmous consent of the council. bets in wrmn <br /> filed with the clerk <br /> Rule & A member called to order at least one prior to the time <br /> shall immediately suspend his remarks ppee meeting. The clerk ' <br /> until the point of order is decided by sha mass a notice at -least one day <br /> the chair. before the meeting to all members of <br /> Rate 9. Every motion except to ad- the time and place of the meeting and <br /> ijequrn, postpone, reconsider, commit, its p if the be stated <br /> imy on the table, or for the previous In the mall filed with him The clerk <br /> question, shall be reduced to welting shalt prepare and file In his office an <br /> if the chair or any member requires it: affidavit by him showing malling of <br /> when made and seconded, it shall be such notices in the manner here pre- <br /> stated by the chairman or being writ- scribed. <br /> ten shall be read by the clerk and Special meetings may be held with- <br /> mat be with drawn before oIe!cion or out notice when all members are pres- <br /> araeaeimerrt or any dispasititm thereof out and take in the meeting or <br /> has been made. or 8 vote taken there- consent in wri to hold such special <br /> OR. meetings withw other notice. Such <br /> Rule 14. All resolutions shall be in written consent shall be filed with the <br /> writing. clerk prior to the Any BccomldmYencem not of <br /> Rift 11. When a debate run motion shall be tion Is terfaned. tended bYder such tmalle Hers Shahs bean <br /> uttien to adLoura. to lay on the table, regular meeting for the transaction of <br /> - to and on previous question, to any business that malt come before It, <br /> to commit, or to amend, �e 25. Mauer of voting. Votes of <br /> so have shall have pre- tie members on any besiaess coming <br /> ++ vader In which they,are before the coil may be by voice v n��first three shall be de- vote. standing vote, or to such other <br /> debate- manger of voting as may signify the <br /> Valise IL shall be #Ii of the members, provided, <br /> air cite of m bear however. that ups request old any <br /> tit ael@rrtt tioroot. oar member of tit council such vote <br /> Ia. a question le pat b� shall be taken by secret written ballot. <br /> eiusfr, every member prraant shall Any attirmaUve or ne vote by <br /> uoleas for special reaaaas the member shall be entwil,19 the mill- <br /> 41, <br /> _ a a <br />