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Plannin Zonin ord <br />The Oct. 18, 1967 meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Minutes of t previous meeting were read and <br />approved. Members present were: Glenn Rehbein, Kelling, Jester, Heckenlaible, <br />Stanley, Klepel, Cardinal; also councilmen Ralph L'Laier and Ian-. Rosengren. <br />The secretary was directed to out cards announcing a meeting of the Road <br />Study Committee to be held on Oct... 31 at 8 p.m. at the village hall. Andy <br />Cardinal reported that access to the Forest Taegg property was discussed with the <br />Gethsemane Church and that the church has been offered $2001 for that property and <br />therefore douldn't consider giving it up for a road. An alternate way into the <br />Forest Taegg property has been looked into but needs further investigation. <br />An alternate site along Main St. was mentioned. This land belongs to Bill Waldoch <br />and would sell for 0500 _;er acre <br />Mrs. Joseph LaCasse appeared to request a variance or clarification regarding <br />property purchased from Mr. Francis Burque as they are having trouble getting a <br />clear title and loan. Description of the land is: N. 100 ft of So 875 ft <br />183 ft of S,`1 quarter Sec. 25 Township 5111 Range 22 W. Discussion was held <br />and it was pointed out that Francis Burque had appeared before the Planning <br />Commission in May and had been ;ranted a variance but it wasn't sure whether <br />the 25 fee had been paid. A motion was made by Jester seconded by Roy Stanley <br />to recommen, that the council grant a variance. Carried. Mrs. La Casse was also <br />advised to check with Francis Burque. <br />Er. Horace R. Goodhue of 776 Iglehart Lye., St. Paul requested s. variance to build <br />ona lot on Birch Lane. This lot is 300 X 133 ft. as described the east ;Cu ft <br />of west 12.0 ft of south half of Lot 5 and subdivision 138 Section 4 Township 31 <br />Range 22 Anoka Co. It was pointed out that he would have to plat if he wanted to