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February 8, 1973 <br />A specLa2 meeting o f the Lino Lakes Panning g Zoning Soand was <br />called to order at 7:20 P. M. on February 8, 1973, ion the punppose <br />o4 cons.ideA ng the of Mn. Robert Emery to erect a building <br />on Lot 9 434 Go.2den's Rice Lake Tennace. Membena present: Mn. McLean, <br />Kanth, Sheanen, Keeling, Nadeau and Mani.en. <br />Ptan and building p.eana of the RestonatLon Entenpnide were nev.iewed. <br />A .eetten £nom Mn. Go.1waed, acting as P.tannen and Fng.cneen, wad read. <br />Mx. Gotoaed recommended a 30' easement Instead o4 25' as shown, and <br />an additional 30' building setback. <br />Mn. McLean moved to recommend to the Council appnovat o4 application <br />with the stipulation o 4 a 30' noad.vay easement and a 30' bui td <br />setback 4nom noac*uay. This wilt be a 210' setback nom the center <br />tine o, O.ed Highway # 8. Asphalt is to be completed within <br />one year. Sc&eendng is to be in peace within 3 years, on s oonen <br />business change nequ tnes smelling to be chain Link 4ence with £.Lben <br />g.eads stnipp Lng . The £nont o, the .tot Z6 to be ne- seeded. <br />Motion seconded by M. Sheahe.n. CannLed. <br />Meeting adjou/tned at 7:40 P. M. <br />Minutes recorded by Mk. James Sheahten. <br />