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1922 Curt Nygren Gopher Bounties <br />1923 Elmer Krueger gopher bounties <br />1924 Dan Waldock Jr. gopher bounties <br />1925 Rick Elsenpeter gopher bounties <br />1926 RobertSorg gopher bounties <br />1927 Ferb C€ ron gopher bounties <br />1928 Francis Holly gopher bounties <br />1929 Wendy Nutter gopher bounties <br />Motion by Downing, second by Heckenliable, to pay bills. Carried. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, to adjourn meeting. Carried. <br />Clerk <br />$ 3.75 <br />18.50 <br />18.75 <br />3.75 <br />• 25 <br />4.25 <br />6.25 <br />16.25 <br />Minutes approved May 25, 1964 <br />Meeting of the Council of Lino Lakes on May 25, 1964 <br />Members present as follows: Mayor Domning, Trustee's Backlin, Speiser, Heckenliable, <br />and Clerk Hauer. <br />The nearing on the Dog Kennel's was held and on a motion by Heckenliable, and a second <br />by Backlin, it is to be postponed until June 8, 1964, at 8:00 PM. Carried. <br />Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and on a motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, <br />they were accepted as read. Carried. <br />An application for 017 Sale 3.2 was received from 2ony Favorite from Tonji's Market on <br />Highway 8. <br />Motion by Speiser, second by Heckenliable, that the license be approved. Carried. <br />Mr. Heckenliable, discussed the possibility of Trailer owned lots in the Pillage. <br />Planning Board Meeting to be held on June 17, 1964. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Backlin, to Amend Ordinance #3$ to read that puppies <br />or young dogs require a license at the age of 6 months. Carried. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Hauer, to adopt Dog Kennel Ordinance #37 as per <br />Attorney copy. Carried. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Speiser, to provide paper cups and holder at the <br />Village Hall. Carried. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Backlin, to have the Engineer attend the Planning <br />Board Meeting with the fee's coming from the Planning Fund. Carried. <br />The discussion on the Trailer Court Ordinance will be continued at the next meeting. <br />Mr. Backlin, reported that the Grading is being done on 4th Avenue, and will also <br />gravel 4th Avenue, Holly and Ware Roads. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to authorize the Fire Marshall to buy a Fire <br />Extinguisher. Carried. <br />Mr. Speiser, reports that they will install two batik stops at Sunrise Park at the <br />cost of $182.00 each. Also that the grass et the Parks will be cut as soon as <br />possible. <br />1 <br />Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, to a lawn mower from Luther and that he <br />