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2211 Edna geebaugh Election Judge $ 21.45 <br />2212 Dorthea Krasner " 21.45 <br />2213 Catherine Carroll " 21.45 <br />2214 Edgar Jester 8 21.45 <br />2215 Ruth Rector 8 21.45 <br />2216 Milner W. Carley & Asso. engineering 235.00 <br />2217 1st State Bank of New Brighton Street Improvement Bonds 105.00 <br />2218 Police Supply Co. supplies 24.00 <br />2219 D. M. Albro supplies 26.40 <br />2220 National Busing & Parts Co. supplies 5.00 <br />2221 Bonhiver & Anfinson Accounting and auditing 135.00 <br />2222 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Phone for Hall 6.55 <br />2223 Inter State Lumber Co supplies 3.72 <br />2224 Babcock & Locher Legal services 106.30 <br />2225 Frances Cape gopher bounties 4.25 <br />2226 Andrew Hauer " 3.00 <br />2227 Gloria Matushak It 3.75 <br />2228 Tdward Weiner it 3.75 <br />2229 James Shearer 8 37.00 <br />2230 Raymond Pudwill „,II 12.25 <br />2231 Roy Backlin Mileage 16.73 <br />2232 Jerome Baker Gopher bounties 2.00 <br />2233 Janet Hill " 3.75 <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Backlin, to pay bills. Warried. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Backlin, to adjourn meeting. Carried. <br />Clerk <br />Minutes approved November 23, 1964 <br />Meeting of the Counc #1 of Lino Lakes on November 23, 1964 <br />Members present as follows: Mayor Domning: Trustee's Backlin, Speiser, Heckenliable, <br />and Clerk Hauer. <br />The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and on a motion by Heckenliable, <br />second by Speiser, they were accepted as read. Carried. <br />An application for r'On & Off Sale Liquor was received from Wright and Moosey. <br />Motion by Hauer, second by Speiser, to approve the license after a 30 day resi- <br />dency has been established and payment of the license fee. Carried. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to purchase a Heat Houser for the tractor. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Backlin, reported that the Emil Rehbein Road is completed. That the Engineer re- <br />ported on Aqua. Lane. The Contractor for the Bell Telephone Co, will out 4 inches <br />of gravel on Lane. Also that the doors haven't been hocked on the lillage <br />Police should check the Tillage Building more often. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, to advertize for bids for snow tires <br />(tltaax size and grade). Carried. <br />Mr. Speiser, reports that some work has to be done on the 2 rinks before flooding <br />can be started. Also that the 2 toilets have been tipped over and damaged, he <br />suggested that cement buildings be installed for the future. <br />Mr. Heckenliable, reported that he turned the plans for the Lawrence & Tagg <br />