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Call to Order. <br />Pledge of Allegiance . <br />Roll Call. <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA <br />August 13, 2013 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />ConsidcrMiolJ. Discllssion. aIJd Possible Action on All of the following items: <br />I. Approval of the August 13, 2013, City Council Meeting Agenda. (a ction requested.) <br />II. Proclamations and Recog nitions . (Nolie.) <br />III. Consent Age nda. <br />I-I .R.A. mect in g immediate ly <br />fol low in g City Cou ncil mcct in g <br />Thm ilems nre cO ll sidered ro uline and Ivil/ be el/acted by o1le 1II01ioll. TIm}! will be 110 sepa rate discJ(Jsio1l oj Ihese ilems ,,"/ess n COlmcilmember or cilizen so <br />requests, ill Ivhich Ihe ilelll Ivill be remover! [rollJ the COllsellt Agenda and placed elsewhere ollihe agenda. <br />A. A pproval of July 23, 2013, Co un cil Meeting Mi nutes. (P l" 1-6) <br />B. Lice n ses and P ermits. (Pl" 7-8) <br />C. Claims. (P l" 9-12) <br />D. Reso lu tion13 -060; a Reso lution Ap proving a Lease Agreeme n t with Henn epin County for E lection <br />Equip me nt. (P l" 13-24) <br />IV. Public H e a r ing. (Nolie.) <br />V . R e ports from Commission and Staff. (Nolie.) <br />VI. Gene ra l Bus iness of Council. <br />A . O p era ti o nal Researc h Assis tan ce (OPERA) P rogra m R eca p . J anell e Borge n , WSB & Associates is <br />prese nting. (Pl" 25-42) <br />B. St. A ntho ny Liqu o r O p era tio n s Mid -Ye ar Rep o rt. Mike Larso n , Liqu o r O p eration s Ma nage r is prese ntin g. <br />(P l" 43-52) <br />C. Resolutio n 13-0 61 ; a Reso lu ti o n A pproving a Shared Services Agreeme n t with th e City of Birchwood <br />V ill age for City Clerk and T re as urer Services. Ma rk Cas ey, City Ma n age r is pres enting . (P l" 53-64) <br />VII. Reports from City Manager and Council members . <br />VIII. Community Forum. <br />lnditidlla/s m'!J adtlrm lhe Ot! Ullncil aboJlI tI'!J ilem nol int/Jlded on Ibe nglllnr allntln. SpeaklrS an nqllesud 10 come to the jXJdillm, sigll their 1II11l,e and address Oil tbe <br />form allhe jXJdillm, stale lheir nam and addrw for lhe Clerk's mom, and limit t/Jeir nmark/ to five millilles. Generalfy, the Cit! u Ji ncil wiU not lake official acli()!l 011 ite",s <br />disclISJtd alIbis li",e, bJit m'!J tJPitalfy refer the mailer to slqfffor a fJlIJIn nport or direct the mailer to be J(hedJlled Oil all Jlpcoming agenda. <br />IX. Information and Announcements. <br />X. Adjournment. <br />Ollr Missioll is to be a progressive alld livable comnlllllihj, a walkable village, wltic!, is sustainable, safe alld secure.