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MINUTES <br />REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MARCH 14, 1984 <br />A regular meeting of the Falcon Heights City Council was called to order at <br />7:00 P.M, by Mayor Eggert. <br />Mayor Eggert, Councilmembers Baldwin, Hard, Chestovich, and Ciernia. Also PRESENT <br />present were Clerk Administrator Barnes, Attorney Gasteazoro, Engineer <br />Schunicht, and Fiscal Consultant Chenoweth. <br />None. ABSENT <br />Councilmember Chestovich moved, seconded by Councilmember Ciernia, that CONSENT <br />the Consent Agenda be approved and that Item 10 be deleted from Consent AGENDA <br />Agenda and placed on the Council Agenda at the request of Councilmember APPROVED <br />Hard (ambulance insurance). Motion carried unanimously. <br />1. Falcon Heights Fire Reports 4~1-00284 and ~~1-00384 <br />2. Falcon Heights Ambulance Reports ~~2-01684 - X62-01984 <br />3. Lauderdale Rescue Reports 4~4-00784 - 4~4-00984 <br />4. General Payroll 2/16/84 - 2/29/84 $ 7,307.37 <br />5. Liquor Payroll 2/16/84 - 2/29/84 $ 1,988.42 <br />6. General Disbursements 3/1/84 - 3/14/84 $ 7,802.35 <br />Sinking Fund 5.53 <br />7. Liquor Disbursements 2/28/84 - 3/12/84 $18,473.30 <br />8. Planning Commission Minutes of March 5, 1984 <br />9. Ramsey County Sheriff's Report for February, 1984 <br />10. Letters Dated February 27, 1984 from League of MN Cities Regarding <br />1983 Worker's Compensation Dividend and Pending Legislation <br />Affecting Clerks <br />11. License: <br />General Contractor's License ~`~1087 <br />Peter Eckberg Remodeling <br />1549 W. Hoyt <br />Falcon Heights, MN 55108 <br />12. Liquor Store Financial Report for January, 1984 <br />~:_ ~.~' <br />Mayor Eggert moved, seconded by Councilmember Chestovich, that the Minutes MINUTES OF <br />of February 29, 1984 be approved with the following corrections: Page 4, 2/29/84 <br />Paragraph 7, line 4, add the words "this particular" between the words APPROVED <br />"for" and "project", and Page 4, Paragraph 5, Line 3, change."5" to "4". <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Fred Baker, City Horticulturist, presented data on the importance of inspect- FRED BAKER, <br />ing woodpiles for Dutch Elm Disease and the pruning of infected branches CITY <br />on selected trees. He explained that not only would more trees survive, HORTICULTURIST <br />but pruning would be less costly than tree removal. Following a discussion, TO INSPECT <br />Councilmember Hard moved, seconded by Councilmember Baldwin, that Mr. WOODPILES & <br />Baker be authorized to inspect woodpiles and order disposal or de-barking PRUNE <br />of elm wood. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Baldwin moved, SELECTED <br />seconded by Councilmember Chestovich, that Mr. Baker be authorized to arrange TREES <br />for selective pruning of diseased branches. Councilmember Ciernia requested <br />an amendment to the motion stipulating that some simple method of removal <br />be implemented (possibly awarding a contract to one removal firm for the <br />season, as suggested by Mr. Baker) to be determined by the Clerk Administrator. <br />The amendment was accepted and upon a vote being taken, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />