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~,NT~.S <br />S?'ECIr~L CITY CCUi~iCIL "",~'iIIuG~/r'u:~~IC iiF.~,~tiltiG;:. <br />X~'RIL 2C, ~.9R3 <br />PAG% 5 <br />business. <br />.~~.yor ~arkentien closed the Publ~.c Hearit~ at Q:17 P.I~i. <br />Mayor r~arkention moved, seconded by Councilmember Larson, that the request <br />for rezoning the ,.2 acres of tY^~e ?ia~~ritins ;Jstate be app?°oved. <br />Coazncilmember L;ggert stated tha¢,, he was concerned that if the zoning is <br />changed to .~-lA, then any Ys= ~ perrrii tted use or lower zoning would be <br />permitted and the City t~.~ou1d lose oontrol. iie fe'_t development ideas <br />should be entertained prior 'w zonir~ changes as this i s the letrerage <br />'fie City h«s ~.ith respect to maintaining control over development. <br />Tayor u~arkerbtien stated he did not agree as, histrirically, large portions <br />of the City have :;een rezoned to a commercial use and same have been <br />developed for commercial use and Nome for apartr.ent buildinf;s. iie felt <br />'chat wi th three zonitzgs or. one piece of property it :~~ould be harder to <br />market the land. The C.ty does not lose control because it Maas to <br />approve the sti~azctures being placed on the property. e ~"elt, that in <br />fairness ~~ the l~state, it ,should be rezoned in order tY,,at t':ey will <br />be able to find a buyer for the 7_az:d. <br />Courzcilr:ember Ciernia asked if Good Ua?.ue iicmFS had an-~ o'o„ectioz~s to <br />th_e r. ezonir~ to which ;;orn Deterson replied the~% had ?Tncwn from the <br />b6oginnirg that the intent tags for the remainir~ propert;~, and Good <br />Value homes has no objection to the rezoning. Ccut:cilmember Cies°ni.a. <br />wondered if having three zon:i_r.~;s wov.7_c' prevent the land from being; rased <br />and what obligati or. the City has to provide a clear and concise zoning <br />for a ~i~ren property. r.;;tonne-- 'Tan do Borth felt that a specific fact <br />proposal would have to be examined to determine ~•~hether a clear zoning <br />would ma<te the property more marketable, iie stated that ti:~hatever 3_s done <br />~~ith the z.~oning shculd be done in a comprehensive taay . It should be <br />deter.•rined z,,hether this particular piece of land. i_s zoned in a manner <br />that is compatible with surrcuncing parcels of 1an~x and whether it is <br />consistent ~,wtr the overa7.1 zoning concept fox' tl^..e whole area. and. the <br />whole city. Councilmember Cie.~na.a felt that three coning, <br />or. a piece of prcperty does not seem reasonable, iie rev:i_ewed the uses <br />permitted under ~ ~n and felt tY~<at singe these uses are fair~_y specific, <br />the ~i+,,J, does not loco contra <br />Councilmember Chesto~~ich stated she felt ':,hat so*~,e specific p7.ans are <br />deeded before the City should approve rho rezon~_ng . i-iewlett bac'card. <br />has indicated. to Council hoti~ trey p7_an to t`so the area. they want re- <br />zoned but the instate has no specific plans. i:r. ~~:ernei' felt th® <br />uses permitted under L-~_r. indica.te T~that uae could ~-e made` of rho <br />.~ ., tee.. ~~~ __ .,... ~ u..... ~__ i.. <br />pr^~aert~T 4nd the nrcnert~r rould be mare~+ ,, Y,; +h tho:`;^ god ; ~' n a <br />Cotanci~.~mamber CY`.r~~, said the propert~r cou~.d be mar~:eted sit'-z <br />the 3.ntent that the City ti~aould rezone if a u,:~e fotar_o. were c0:~~pauit>'' e <br />tirith the s~~rroi~nding rroperU;yr. <br />~ounci,~member ~._ern'u propo,,ea a. cc~~promise. n~ „ter the ou ,4~.c e~.~u.n~ <br />is reld, Counci.~_ sir. months to ac+., on tYZO revorir~ rectaest, so in- <br />Stead of hasYing <~, :'lOt1On },l C: rezont~, ~,i~'ll~ ^'^t~_^i'. .^,CLi1_c ~`P. rB~~Ord~d t0 <br />state that the Cou:acil :•,ot?l~? '^o rec~,pt-Lvs +f.,o ._ reson?_ng° c;ran`e onvo ~. <br />raroposed p? c`:~ i. .- presented. i^.~,.ra~' ~~arke..t?.es. di_d not a.groo and ~=ou1d <br />not 'S9it•~!:rCty YII.S a^,Ot]_C3n. <br />`~ <br />p L'BLIC <br />YilreuyllwG <br />C LUSr,:~ <br />iix~~~I~S <br />ti~:~OrldG <br />-Ui;ST <br />~cont.j/ <br />i;GGEi T <br />~~r1riY~%NTIii3 <br />C IY~~iIA/ <br />i'1TE'ti.SU~/ <br />"Jfai1 iiE NUi~Tri <br />C(J.i:li.i 1C Y ICti~ <br />1`~rJldi4ctc <br />CIE:~;vln~ <br />Y'. ~' i t t i r': i ~' T I Y. i Yr <br />