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<br />MINUTES <br />~~sGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEE~rIxG <br />JUNE 22, 1983 <br />PANE 3 <br />the resolution, after which Councilmember Eggert moved, seconded by <br />Mayor Warkentien, that Resolution 83-20 be adopted. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />RESOLUTION 83-20 <br />RESOLUTION <br />83-2O <br />~~ i <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COI~IiSSTONSR OF <br />HIGHWAYS TO AUTHORIZB PAYMENT OF A PORTION <br />OF BOND SAID IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000.00, <br />PRII~IPAL PLUS INTSRBST, FROM THE RI9GULAR <br />CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR ABDERT STREET IN THE <br />CITZ OF FALCON HEIGHTS <br />1 <br /> <br />Fiscal Consultant Chenoweth presented the approximate amount of the FISCAL <br />bond issue for improvements in Falaon Woods No. 3 and adjacent parcels CONSULTANT <br />as between $125,000 and $1175,000, and recommended selling the bonds <br />around August 1, 1983. He also stated that the City should act very <br />soon on finalising the Tax Increment Financing Plan which will assist <br />in paying off the bonds. <br />Council discussed the June 1.l1, 1983 letter from James W. Maenner, Trust <br />Real Estate Officer, First Bank Minneapolis, regarding settl®ent on the <br />subdivision park dedication requirement imposed upon the Ch+erles Hawkins <br />Estate on April 20, 1983. Discussion centered on the ~a]ue of the <br />prnperty, who would pay for the appraisers to place a value oa the land, <br />and the cost of an appraisal. <br />CounciLmaaber Larson felt the land would not be easy to market since it <br />has three different zones and a buQrer could not be assured that the City <br />would approve a coning change if requested. Councilmember Cheatovich <br />asked if the three appraiser+s names could be subrmi,tted and the cost of <br />the appraisal split between the City and the Estate. Attorney Van de North <br />informed that if the Estate ware forced tc> as appraisal, that the City <br />would have to bear a portion of the burden of the appraisal. After <br />further discussion, Councilme:mber Ciernia moved, seconded by Council- <br />member Chestovich, that the Clerk Administrator present the names of <br />three appraisers to the Estate and that the cost of the appraisal be <br />negotiated, the City not to pay Hare than 5O percent. Upon a vote being <br />taker:, the following voted in favor thereof: Councilmember$ Cieraia, <br />Chestovich, Eggert and Larson, and the following voted against the <br />same: Mayor Warksntien. Motion carried. <br />Councilmember Ciernia reviswod previous discussions and action taken <br />by Council and the Planning Commission in regard to the rezoning re- <br />quest for the retaainder of the Hawkins property. He stated that the <br />Planning Commission does not know how to deal with the present zoning <br />on the property and they have requested Council guidance in the form <br />of objective criteria on how to evaluate proposals for rezoning of the <br />property. Council.member Giernia felt that it is Councills obligation <br />to provide guidance and direction tc> the C~reaission. Councilmember <br />Eggert stated that if the property is rezoned to B-lA, the City would <br />lose control as long as the interested party conforms to B-].A but if <br />the property is left in such a way that rezoning must be requested by <br />the interested party, the City could set up specific requirements to <br />be Pu1fi11ed in order to make the zoning change. Councilmeumber Ciernia <br />PARK <br />DEDICATION <br />FOR REMAINDER <br />OF HAWKINS <br />PROPERTY DISCUS <br />SED <br />PUNNING <br />COMt~ffSSION <br />R~RUEST FOR <br />GUIDELINES ON <br />ZONING OF <br />PROPERTY <br />