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MTNtITES w+~1 t <br />REGUl~AR CITY COUI+X;IL MEETID~G ~ `~ <br />.NNE 22, x983 <br />PAGE ~, <br />stated that the Zoning Ordinance provides for control as it allows the <br />City to establish criteria for parcels of the City. Councilmember <br />Larson felt the P1.anni.rzg Ganmission is trying to make good planning <br />decisions and are handicapped by not being given Council guidance. <br />After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Warkentien suggested each Councilmember <br />bring written recommendations for establishing criteria to discuss at the <br />next Council meeting. <br />Councilmember Cieraia commented on the Planning Commissionts concern PLANNING <br />regarding their relationship to the Citizens Advisory Committee since COMl~SSION/ <br />the Advisory Committee preferred to communicate with the Mayor rather ADFISORY <br />than the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission feels they COMi~TTEE <br />should be involved in the planning process and formal communications RELATIONSHIP <br />since their charter is planning for the City. Don Grittner, Chairman <br />of the Advisory Committee, stated the Committee felt that since the <br />Mayor had appointed the Committee, communication should be through him, <br />but had no objection to xorking with the Planning Commission and there <br />was no intent tcf bypass thane. Mr. Grinner had discussed the matter <br />xith the Planning Commission Chairman Al Stefanson. Mr. Grittner will <br />furnish the Planning Commission minutes of a11. Advisory Committee <br />meetings and h® also invited Mr. 3tefanson to attend at~,y of the meetings. <br />Attorney Fan de North presented an update on the prnblems at 1722 UPDATE ON <br />Pascal. The Prosecuting Attorney has requested photographs of the 1722 PASCAL <br />conditions at that residence and specific license plate numbers oa PROBLEMS <br />cars so that evidence can be assembled to prosecute the matter in <br />court. Attorney Fan de North will contact the Prosecuting Attorney <br />to determine a course of action. <br />The Prosecutor's Statement for May, 1983 was noted. Councilmember PROSECUTORt3 <br />Eggert suggested that future reports be included as part of the STA'PEMENT <br />consent agenda and Council concurred. NOTED <br />Couacilmember Ciernia reviewed history regarding the ~~bike trail~~ BII~E TRAIL <br />on the vacant Falcon Heights Church lot. The Church, as well as ON CHIkiCH LOT <br />neighboring residents are having problems with upkeep and have REF'FIiRED TO <br />requested that the City consider sponsoring the track area as part .PARK & RBC. <br />of the recreation program. Councilmeanber Ciernia recoamnended that COMMISSION <br />the matter be referred to the Park and Recreation Commission for <br />discussion. Cauncilmanber Larson inquired as to whether or not the <br />City could use private property to which Attorney Fan de North replied <br />that a contractual agreement would have to be developed. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes informed that there are approximately 20 20 TREES <br />trees on the Good Falue property which must be removed or destroyed FROM GOOD <br />and asked if Council would be interested in having the trees balled FALIJE <br />and planted on City boulevards at a cost of about $50.00 per tree. PROPERTY TO BE <br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilmember Chestovich, that PLANTED ON <br />the Clerk Administrator be authorized tc> arrange to have 20 trees CITY <br />dug and balled For planting on boulevards. Motion carried unani- BOULEVARDS <br />mously. <br />