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T~TINUTE~ <br />REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 12, 1978 <br />Page !~ <br />ia~ <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes informed the committee tae were opposed to the MGM LIQUOR STORE <br />expansion of the business. Rep. U~alter Hansen was also concerned about (cont.) <br />the expansion. <br />Clerk Administrator 3arnes reported that due to complaints received re- STI7EET <br />garding sweeping of Snelling Drive, he had checked with I~Tike T~IacPhillips, 54°TEEPING <br />owner of T~IacPhillips Street Sweeping. Acecrding to their records, SHELLING DR. <br />Snelling Dr. was swept on June 21, 1978. However, due to heavy rains <br />this season there is bound to be gravel and dirt washed into tyre streets. <br />Clerk Administrator 3arnes was requested to call Mr. Jackson and inform <br />him that Snelling Dr, had been swept and a„ ?That day. <br />Clerk Administrator 3az•nes requested direction from council regarding JOB <br />limits of his job, where his authority begins and ends. Council directed DESCRIPTIGN <br />Clerk Administrator :3arnes to prepare a job description and have it <br />available by budget time. <br />Council.rrrernber Steele moved, seconded 'oy Acting Mayor Black to adjourn ADJOURN"~ENT <br />at 9:17 p.m. Upon a vote being taken the following voted "aye":Acting <br />TZayor 31ack, Councils:erabers McGough, Steele and T3rown and the following <br />voted "nay": None. Motion carried. <br />~~~~. <br />~4i11iam H. Black, Acting mayor <br />Attest: <br />f <br />~~ <br />ewan B. Barnes Clerk Administrator <br />C <br />