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MINUTES ~. 2 <br />a~aULAa ciTx covm~clL MrNC~ <br />AUGUST 9, 1978 <br />Page 6 <br />Mayor Warkentien moved to extassd the meeting to 11:15, Mi~ETINC~ ExTE~TSION <br />seconded by Councilmember Mc4ough. Upon a vote being taken <br />the following voted t~ aye~~ : M~ror Warkentien, Couacilmembers <br />Black, bough and Brown and the following voted "nay": <br />Counailmember Steen®. Motion denied. <br />Councilmember McGough offered the City a 21~ x 50 utility shed UTILITY SHE <br />if, the City could put it to use. McGough Construction is <br />presently using it at a construct3.on site and will disaantle, <br />transport and assemble it for the City. Councilmemnber Steele <br />moved acceptance of the utility shed donation, seconded by <br />Couacilmember Brown, Upon a vote being taken the following <br />voted ~~afe" : Mayor Warkentien, Councilmesnbers Black, Steele <br />and Brown. Councilmember McGough abstained. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilmember Black to ME8TIA1(~ EXTffidSION <br />extend the reeeting to 11s20 p.m. Upon a vote being taken TO 11:20 p.m. <br />. the Yo1.].owing voted. "gin : l~fayor Warkantisu, Counci].a-awbars <br />B1aak, McGough, Steele and Brown and the following voted "nay": <br />None.. Motion carried. <br />Councilmeanber McGough requested council to review the proposal IMPOUND AREA <br />by Arta Towing to locate as impound area at Idaho Snelling STATE FAIR <br />ponding area during the State Fair. Council rejected the proposal. <br />Councilmember Steele questioned whether we were going to receive PHOTO OF DYER-FI,Y <br />the photos of the city and maps for the council chambers. CITY AND COUNCIL <br />.Engineer Lerrher$, stated that their. Y'irm was. still on CHAFER MAPS <br />theta. <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes presented a bill for tree removal JOHN KIEL <br />submitted by John Kiel. Mr. Kiel removed the tree. himself TRBE REMOVAL <br />with the help of two other men. It wan explained to Mr. Kiel <br />the city could not reimburse 50~ of the removal cost as State <br />requirements axe that a paid statement is to be presented and <br />kept oa file. <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes reported he and Engineer Bob Frigaard STORM SEWER BREAK <br />had inspected the storm sewer located at Fo1we11 and F1ulham. <br />It was suggested by Mr. Frigaard that Municipal Services jet it <br />out to locate the break to determine what is needed. The lower <br />end is located in Lauderdale and the Federal Disaster Group <br />advised that Falcon Heights handle the ccaraplete job to be <br />consistent on materials. <br />Clerk Administrator Barn®s informed council that the two CETA EMPLOYEES <br />CETA employees have completed their three month training and <br />would be requesting two more for a three month training period. <br />Mayor.Warkentien moved seconded b9 Councilmember Steele ADdO~T <br />to adjourn at 11:17 p.m. Upon a vote being taken the following <br />voted ~~sye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmembers Black, McGough, <br />Steele and Brawn and the following voted •nay"~t None. Motion <br />carried. <br />