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City Council Meeting Minutes
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MINUTES 1 2 3 <br />~~ czTY cOUNCZL MI~TIAtG <br />AUGUST 9, 1978 <br />Page 5 <br />problems that with Falcon Heights and Lauderdale is RNCREATION FEES <br />respect to Roseville not accepting non-residents in their (coat.) <br />recreation program and why Coao~muni.ty School Service has not <br />coodiaated a program for all needs. A lengthy discussion <br />easuted without resolving the problaw. Frank Rog and Mayor <br />Jnae Demos of Roseville maintained they had subsidized the <br />two communities too mat~ryears. <br />Mayor Warkeatien questioned Dr. Frenoh on the trees purchased DR. FRffi~CH <br />for Falcon Heights for 1978. Dr. Fre®ch stated there had TREK PR4tttRAM <br />been problems in ordering the trees and time allowance in <br />planting. Also, he recommended the hiring of students to <br />assure .prompt planting in 1979. The width and depth of the <br />healing-in trench should have the square footage to handle <br />the trees ordered for 1979 and be prepared this fall. The <br />new trees ordered will be large enough to match the sise <br />of the trees pleated this year. The estimated crenr sire <br />needed for planting would be 3 men for 2 weeks and the coat <br />wi11 tuna approximately $1,200.00. Engineer Leaaberg re- <br />ported that the survey on trees is about finished and will <br />furnish Dr. French with a copy. <br />Engineer Leaaberg reviewed the proposed building pleas of Ht~iLITT-PACKARD <br />Hewlitt•Packard and informed council he had xritten to and <br />advised Herrlitt-Packard they had reviewed the preliminary re- <br />ports available... There is a drainage problem and without <br />preliminary de~velopmeuat plans it is impossible to accurately <br />predict where .the surface run-off will go. This could cause <br />a potential problem unless properly handled with storm sewers <br />or a holding pond. Also, concern was eocpressed regarding <br />traffic control oa Larpeateur Avenue at rush hours. <br />Engineer Leaaberg reviewed the bid received froea Allied 1978 SEAL COATING <br />Blacktop for seal coating in the amount of X32, 70lt.00. If BID <br />the fatal bid is rs3ected, a near bid could be let is February <br />1979 to cover both sections of the City. Councilmeaaber <br />Steele moved to reject the total bid from Allied Blacktop and <br />set a new bid date for February 1979 to cover two secti.oas <br />of the City, Northoaee and Falcon Woods, seconded by Mayor <br />Warkentiea. Upon a vote being taken the following voted naye~-s <br />Mayor Warkentien, Couacilmembers Black, AScGough, Steele and <br />Broxn and the folloxing voted "nay": Atone. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Warkeati.en reviewed the ambulance update as submitted AMBttI,AAtCB UPDiATI~ <br />by Fire .Chief Jerry Renchi.n, oatliniag steps.. that. have. bs~ <br />completed and steps that are yet to be presented to council. <br />Mayor warkentien reviewed the problems concerning the playing TENNIS COURTS <br />surface of the Falcon Woods Tennis Courts. Coutncilmember <br />AkGoagh presented a xritten report received froQa Hoary 0. <br />Iiiklcelsoa Co., General. Contractor. They stated in the re- <br />port the courts are in very good condition but would recommend <br />resarfacing is the near future. <br />
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