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<br />Mayor Wai'kentien read the letter from Mr. Marcel Richter in regard to
<br />the University Grove serer dilemma. A discussion t:as held relative to
<br />this. Clerk-Administrator Barnes stated before acceptance is mad®, a
<br />spsteaa a°~alpsis should be made, the sgstem brought up to standards, and
<br />that a meeting be set with the University to determine what is to be
<br />done to correct the problems. The Council directed Clerk-Adminiatra.tor
<br />Barnes to continue negotiations with the University. No action was
<br />taken by the Council.
<br />The letters from Attorney Davies on Ordinance 69 relating to procedures
<br />for plat approvals were noted by the Council. Attorney Davies then dis-
<br />cussed the drainage problems at the Thatcher plat. No action was taken
<br />by the Council in this matter.
<br />Attorney Davies presented the discussion on the NSP Electrical and Gas
<br />Franchise. He noted he had been in contact with the NSP legal depart-
<br />ment, and that he would like to change the language as suggested by
<br />Cl ~k-Achninistrator Barnes in the Franchise.
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Black, to authorize
<br />Attorney Davies to incorporate into the NSP Franchise language changes
<br />he would feel necessary in regard to tree problamas. Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "ape": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black,
<br />Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nap": None.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />Clerk Administrator Harnes presented the discussion from the minutes of
<br />his meeting with Commissioner Salverda. He discussed the Fairview speed
<br />limit, and noted previously it had been requested to lower the speed limit
<br />to 30 miles per hour. The proposal of Gibbs Farm to have domestic animals
<br />from Como Zoo was also discussed. The Council agreed to allow animals at
<br />the Gibbs Farm, provided the animal wastes would be disposed of daily. No
<br />further action was taken.
<br />l~apor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, to prepare plans
<br />and specifications for the Snelling Drive improvement from Crawford south
<br />to the a11e~r, subject to the State and City sharing the cost on an equal
<br />basis from State Aid Funds. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted
<br />"ape": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra,
<br />and the following voted "nay": None. Motion carried.
<br />Fire Reports 23 through 25 were read and noted by the Council.
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, to approve
<br />the April 16-30 general payroll in the amount of $3,081.93 Upon a vote
<br />being taken, the following noted "aye"= Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen
<br />Black, Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nap":
<br />None. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, to approve the
<br />April 16-30 liquor payroll in the amount of $1,b59.t~7 Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "ape" : Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen $1.ack,
<br />Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nap": None.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, to approve
<br />the general disbursements in the amount of $22,085.31 Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "ape": Mayor Warkentisn, Councilmen Black,
<br />Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay"a None.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />DAMES
<br />AND GAS
<br />FRANCxzsE
<br />Il~ROVffi~lENT
<br />SOUTH ~ AT•T•F.y
<br />LIQUOR
<br />