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<br />A discussion was held relative to the storm sewer proposal from the ARONA
<br />last meeting concerning the Arona Avenue and Northome Addition. Several members Ir~ROVE-
<br />of the audience felt there was a discrepancy in notice of hearing, whether i t MENT.
<br />was a combined street and sewer hearing, and the fact that people might not
<br />have been adequately notified as to the complete nature of the improvement.
<br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Labalest_~2, that a public
<br />hearing for storm sewer on Arona Avenuein the Northome Addition be set for
<br />September 11, 1975 at 9:00 P.M., and that the Clerk-Administrator be
<br />authorized to publish the notice. Upon a vote being taken, the following
<br />voted "aye's: Mayor Warkentien, Counciloren Black, Ecklund, and Labalestra, and
<br />the following voted "nay'': None. Motion carried.
<br />Mr. Warner of Warner's Stellian, Inc., 1711 North Snelling was present to WARNER'S
<br />request a variance to replace the present sign with a s~.gn of approximately STELLIAN
<br />318 square feet- Sign size should be: 271. square feet. SIGN
<br /> REt~UE ST .
<br />Councilman Black read the Planning Commission minutes of July 22, 1975,
<br />that recommended approval of the variance. A discussion was held by the council,
<br />and the concensus was the sign was too large.
<br />Councilman Labalestra moved, seconded by Councilman Black, that the request
<br />to increase the sign be denied. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted
<br />"ay®": Councilman Black, Ecklund, and Labalestra, and the following voted
<br />"nay": Mayor Warkentien. Motion carried.
<br />Mayor tivarkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, that the discussion CRAWFORD
<br />concerning the widening and upgrading of Crawford Street between Arona and IMPROVE'N1ENT
<br />Snelling Drive be reopened, as per the request of several residents of
<br />Crawford Street.
<br />A discussion was held, and the residents of Crawford indicated they were
<br />not in favor of the proposal as passed at the special meeting of July 29,
<br />1975, that would improve Crawford Street from Arona to Asbury at a 36 foot
<br />width, and Arona Street to Snelling Drive at a 1.t~.foot width. Instead,
<br />the residents indicated they would like a !~0 foot street straight through
<br />with parking banned on. one side of the street, preferably the north.
<br />Mayor Warkentien moved; seconded by Councilman Labalestra, that Crawford Street
<br />between Arona and Snelling Drive, be made Ito feet straight through, that
<br />State Aid funds be used with no assessments levied, and that parking be
<br />banned on the north side. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted "aye":
<br />Mayor Warkentien, Councila~n Black, Ecklund, and Labalestra, and the
<br />following voted "nay": None. I~:otion carried.
<br /> Councilman ycklund moved, seconded by Councilman Black, that a public VACATE
<br /> hearing be set for the request to vacate the alley west of Arona, between Aj,T,F"Q WEST
<br /> Iowa and Idaho, 8:30 P.M ., Sept. 11, 1975, and the Clerk-Administrator OF ARONA,
<br /> publish the 1e~a1 not~.ces. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted BETWEEN
<br /> "aye": Mayor Warkentien, C ounciz7:men Black, Ecklund, and Labalestra, and IOT~ti'A AND
<br /> the following voted "nay": None. Motion carried. IDAHO.
<br />
<br />