~' 9 2
<br />4
<br />it should be reviewed at Budget time for 1976 to provide BIRD
<br />funds to conduct such a program. No further action was PROBLEM
<br />taken. CONTINUED
<br />Fire reports 51 through 55 were noted. FIRE
<br />Councilman Ecklund moved, seconded by Councilman Steele, not ORDINANCE 115
<br />to revise Ordinance 115 as was discussed relative to For Sale FOR SALE SIGNS
<br />signs in cars parked on the street. Upon a vote being taken, DISPLAYED IN
<br />the following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen GARS
<br />Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay":
<br />None. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Ecklund moved, s®cond®d by Councilman Labalestra, GENERAL
<br />to approv® tho General P~rro11 from August 15 through 31 in PAYROLL
<br />th® amount of $3,022.53. Upon a vote being taken, the AUGUST 15-31
<br />following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Ecklund,
<br />Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay": None.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, to GENERAL
<br />approv® the G®neral Disbursements from August 15 through 28 DISBURSE-
<br />in the amount of $27,333.15. Upon a vote being taken, the MENTS
<br />following voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Ecklund,
<br />Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted "nays':
<br />None. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Labalestra moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, to LIQUOR
<br />approvo the Liquor Payroll from August 15 through 31 in the PA3~OLL
<br />amount of $1,646.b3. Upon a vote being taken, the following AUGUST 15-31
<br />voted "aye": Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Ecklund, Steele,
<br />and Labalestra, and the following voted "nay": None. Motion
<br />carried.
<br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, to LIQUOR
<br />approve the Liquor Disbursements in the amount of $1lt,~9.01~. D~ISBITRSEMENTS
<br />Upon a vote being taken the following voted "aye": Mayor
<br />Warkentien, Councilmen Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and
<br />the following voted "nay": None. Motion carried.
<br />Counci~a~an Steel® moved, seconded by Councilman Labalestra, SCHOOL
<br />to write a letter to Denneth D`rergsten, 1717 Bolton, in TEACHER OF
<br />behalf of th® Council and City commending him on being THE YEAR
<br />chosen Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Upon a vote being
<br />taken, the following voted "ay®": Mayor Warkenti®n, Council-
<br />men Ecklund, Steele, and Labalestra, and the following voted
<br />"nay": None. Motion carried.
<br />