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Minutes f 3 ~ <br />Special Council Meeting <br />November 23, 1976 <br />page 3 <br />Clerk-Administrator Barnes informed Council that Mando Photo Company MANDO PHOTO <br />is planning to provide their customers with a subsidiary mail-in ser- REQUEST FOR <br />vice and is going to request a Wheeler Avenue address for mail delivery ~IHEELER AVENITE <br />for the new service. ADDRESS <br />Moved by Councilman Ecklund, seconded by Acting Mayor Black to instruct <br />Clerk Administrator Barnes to contact the Roseville Postmaster and en- <br />courage him not to issue a Wheeler Avenue address, or any address on <br />streets not currently within our City, as it would be very confusing, <br />especially for emergencies. Upon a vote being taken the following <br />voted "aye": Acting Mayor Black, Councilmen Ecklund, Steele and Labalestra <br />and the following voted "nay"; None. Motion carried. <br />Clerk-Administrator Barnes informed Council that Northern States Power NSP GAS RATE <br />had increased their gas rates and it would mean a 6.6~ increase for the INCREASE <br />City of Falcon Heights. <br />Acting Mayor Black read the resignation, from the Planning Commission, RESIGNATION OF <br />of Chairman George Plant. Acting Mayor Black instructed Clerk-Adminis- GEORGE PLANT FROM <br />trator Barnes to put this item on the Agenda for next Council meeting for THE PLANNING <br />consideration of a plaque for his long and capable service. COMMISSION <br />Councilman Ecklund informed Council that the Human Rights Commission <br />had unanimousily voted to request the City Council to publicize vacan- <br />cies on the various commissions in the St. Paul Dispatch, Roseville <br />Sun, St. Anthony Park Bugle and Commonwealth Terrace Newsletter. <br />Councilman Ecklund moved and it was seconded by Councilman Labalestra <br />that the City publicize a list of various committees and commissions <br />and to solicit public participation on these various commissions. Upon <br />a vote being taken the following voted "aye'': Acting Mayor Black, <br />Councilmen Ecklund, Steele and Labalestra and the following voted "nay": <br />None. Motion carried. <br />Clerk-Administrator Barnes presented to Council a playground equipment <br />order prepared by the Park Development Committee. The order was for <br />playground toys and totaled $873.00. Clerk-Administrator Barnes noted <br />the committee had not allowed for freight charges. Councilman Ecklund <br />stated that since delivery would not be made until April of next year, <br />the freight charges could be paid out of the 1977 budget. <br />Councilman Ecklund moved and it was seconded by Acting Mayor Black to <br />order, for spring delivery, the items recommended by the Park Develop- <br />ment Committee. Upon a vote being taken the following voted "aye": <br />Acting Mayor Black, Councilmen Ecklund, Steele and Labalestra and the <br />following voted "nay": None. Motion carried. <br />Clerk-Administrator Barnes informed Council of the December 1, 1976, <br />Ramsey County League dinner meeting. Council instructed Clerk-Admin- <br />istrator Barnes to make three reservations for Councilmen Black, <br />Ecklund and Labalestra. <br />PUBLICATION OF <br />VARIOUS COMM- <br />ISSIONS AND <br />COMMITTEES FOR <br />SOLICITATION OF <br />MEMBERS OF SAME <br />PLAYGROUND EQUIP- <br />MENT ORDER <br />RAMSEY COUNTY <br />LEAGUE DINNER AND <br />MEETING <br />