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3121 <br />Page 1, Paragraph 4, at end of paragraph add "Motion Carried." <br />Page 3, Paragraph 3, add at the end of Ordinance Name "To <br />the i~innesota State Statute, Chapter 169, 180, 171." <br />Page ~, Paragraph 6, should read "AN OtDINANCE LOTra~rilNG <br />THE LICENSE FEE F'OR I3NSPAYED FENIAALE DOGS FROM THE P_R.ESENT <br />~1~.00 PER YEAR TO X7.50 PER YEAR." <br />Insert on page 3, Councilman Ec'r;lund moved, seconded by <br />t•Iayor T~raarkentien, that the Clerk=Administrator was instructed <br />to recuest the Village Engineer to study the need for a <br />proposed stop sign on the east bound lane of huggles Street <br />at Asbux~ Avenue. Motion carried. <br />Sewer :~iepair A letter was read from Attorney's Smith, Blomquist, Vitko <br />Claim: any:. iiur,~niel. seeking reimbursement for the sewer repair claim <br />of i•rs. Udward NIolin, 1t~33 ~°~est Larpenteur avenue, in the <br />amount of 4~~30.21;, tahich pa3~,ent was denied by the Village <br />a+.. its meeting of November 2~., 197i. :engineer Lemberg was <br />instructed to ca11 the Attorney and discuss the Village <br />policy on payment of sewer claims. <br />Piaster Gas Counci iman Taylor moved, seconded by Councilman B1acI~, to <br />License Granted.: approve a master gas installers license for the Ttain City <br />Furnace Company, ;~59 North Snelling Avenue, St. Paul, i~iinrl., <br />for the period commencing Juiy 1, 1971 and ending June 30, <br />10;2. Motion carried. <br />Insurance Bid Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, <br />Award: that the Paul J. Brener Con;pa.ny, 625 Stryker Avenue, St. <br />°aul, IF~innesota, be awarded the Village insurance contract <br />for the year 1972 on the basis of the bid which he sub- <br />mitted, and is labeled alternate No. 1, in the amount of <br />:2,981.28. Motion carried. <br />Comprehensive General Liability - ~ 556.00 <br />Comprehensive Auto Liability ~li15.00 <br />'sorkmen' s Cor:ip . Policy ~I, 310.28 <br />TOTAL ~; 2,981.28 <br />Stop Sign at Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Councilman Taylor, to <br />riuggles and ~?lbert deny the installation of a stop sign at i~uggies and Albert <br />Street Denied: Street, on the Eecommendation of Engineer Lemberg as the <br />proposed sign does not sex°ve any pux~pose other than to try <br />tc sloY; dorm traffic and since it does not provide condi- <br />tions that warrant a stop sign. ~~iotiorx carried. <br />Signa. Lite ttaising Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Councilman Taylor, <br />at Larpenteur and th,=;:t thr: Clerc- dm:~nistrator be autriorized to refer tree <br />'r'ry Street - request of the ~zamsePT County Public '~dorks Department to <br />Rec±uest by 'yamsey r~3.i se the signal liter at Lax•penteur and. Fry Street to the <br />County Public orks `di:'.i ~~ge Lt~;ineer fo~• recommendation. notion carried. <br />Department: <br />