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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3122 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />iioseviile rrea Councilman Blacl: volunteered to attend the rteeting per- <br />School ~ieetit~;: taitzirg to enrollment projections for the next decade, <br />I:elc. at the r'osevill.e Schcoi. District ibo. 623, January 13, <br />19?~, at 7:3G P.IM. <br />Ct. Paul Carpus A discussiora Sias held in regards to the prelir,~inary pro- <br />Pia.nning ~ee.ting posed University Faun Campus planning and development as <br />Discussiorx: proposed by the University of ;Minnesota. It was generally <br />assumed that the plan did have merit to it. The only <br />concern was the use of ~'ais'viei• Avenue as one of their <br />tho?'oughf.'ares and closing severa.i other major routes off <br />such as Cl~vela.nd and. Commorn;ealt'rt Avenues. The University <br />plat~tiir4 group indicated that their final report would be <br />submitted to the concerned goverrunental units in approxim- <br />ate1~- six weeks . <br />Payroll : Counci :Loran Taylor -roved, seconded by Councilman Stone, to <br />approve the payroll for. the period endit~; December 31,1971, <br />in the a~iouttt of ~1,6~t~.t.ti. i~iotion carried. <br />Genera. Couru:ilr:.ian Stone moved, seconded by Councilman :~cklund, to <br />I)i sbizrsernetzts: pa;,r the general disbursements ~"or the period ending Decem- <br />ber 23, 1971, in tiie amount of ~3, 767.53. i~'~otion carried. <br />Sinking: Fund _~<~yor I;arY;entien moved, seconded by Councilman Stone, to <br />I3o. 7: pay the interest, principal, and bati~L fee for ~int;in~T Fund <br /><'? ccount Ito . 7, in t'rte ~L ount of :958 . b~.;.. •soti on carri :~d . <br />roposed County =ayor as_~ent;ien moved, seconded 'oy Counciima.n Lcklund, <br />Health Department: that the Village ma:tse known our feelings to :Cd. Salverda, <br />County Commissioner, of our feeling for a County Health <br />Departraenr. and that the Village does not have need f'or a <br />Count„r Health Departr,~ent as proposed. iiotion carried. <br /> _";ttendants %?ayor I-arkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, that <br />at 'cniversity Grove the Vil:~age au~i,horize attendants at the Grose area and no <br />Playground: more than one at a ti°ie. AYu:: `ar'_Kentier~, Elack, xcklund, <br />Tailor. IvAi': stone. I•lotion carried. <br />Stop Sign at The Clerk-Adr:2inistrator ti~kas requested to wine aletter to <br />Ha,:nlne and. t~osela~vn the _~~;~.msey Coutrty rt~ineer and find ou~l; if a study hr.s <br />i~,ecuested: peen planned for a stop sign a.t Hamiine and ioseia~~;n, and <br />alao Garden and Hamli ne and F airv-iew and i{osei~,wn. <br />Sheriff's report: Councilman Dci~lunc'~ read the =30vei~ber Sheriz"fps report. <br />I~ ire ieport : Counci 1;,Zan Fcklund read si ire deport Pvo . 2c~ . <br />rteport on yob, ..ttorney ~dra~il reported to the Council on low cost Ylousin~=, <br />Cost Housing: and related that the Villas~e does not have suitable; site <br />for low cost ~.ousing as the I•~etro CounciJ_ had reported to <br />the: nC-S•iS iTtedl? . <br />Councilzn~a,n lay for IIlOVF~Ci, SeCOridt;d by I'"'ay02' :arkentien, t0 <br />direct the Cleric-Adrninist~ator to write a letter to thr: <br />i-etropolitan Council of the Tv.7in Cities area, oz the Vil.i.age <br />
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