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23 <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br />FALCON HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA <br />MARCH 8, 1973 <br />A regular meeting of the Falcon Heights Village Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Warkentien at 7:32 P.M. <br />Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, and Stone. PRESENT <br />Also present were Clerk-Administrator Barnes, Engineer <br />Lemberg, and Attorney Kenefick. <br />Councilwoman Stocker who was on vacation. ABSENT <br />Councilman Ecklund moved, seconded by Councilman Black, MINUTES <br />to aoprove the minutes of the meeting of February 22, <br />1973, as corrected. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, CONDITIONAL USE <br />to approve the conditional use by Arthur Lindig, 1871 REQUEST - 1871 W. <br />W. Larpenteur Avenue, as recommended by the Falcon Heights LARPENTEUR AVENUE <br />Planning Commission, to provide for horticulture and <br />floriculture commercial uses, together with the necessary <br />abpurtenant structures. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Stone moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, to AUTHORIZATION - <br />authorize Engineer Lemberg o prepare the plans and 1973 SEAL COATING <br />specifications for the 1973 Seal Coating project. Motion ALLEYS <br />carried. <br />The Metropolitan League of Municipalities expenditures for MHTRO LEAGUE <br />1972, was noted. EXPENDITURES <br />Clerk-Administrator Barnes presented some information DOG LICENSING <br />gathered from other cities and villages on the licensing <br />of dogs, on an annual or permanent basis. The Council <br />deferred action until a later date, when the Village <br />would be ordering licenses for 197?. <br />Mr. and Mrs. George Zaier, 1892 N. Arona were present at DOG COMPLAINT - <br />the meeting to discuss their complaint of dogs running GEORGE ZAIER <br />loose in the school yard. The Council authorized Clerk- 1892 N. ARONA <br />Administrator Barnes to initiate a program with the B <br />& E Patrol, to patrol around the school yard for the next <br />month, and if that program proves effective, the Council <br />will consider expanding the program for the entire Village. <br />Fire reports numbers, 8, 9, & 10 were noted. FIRE REPORTS <br />The Sheriff's report for February, 1973, was noted. SHERIFF' REPORT <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, VARIANCE - <br />to submit the application for a variance by William 1526 W. LARPENTEUR <br />Wondra, 1526 W. Larpenteur Avenue, for the addition of a <br />5' x 7' sign on top of his building at the above address, <br />to the Falcon Heights Planning Commission. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Ecklund moved, seconded by Councilman Black, to GENERAL PAYROLL <br />approve the general payroll for the first half of Parch, <br />1973, in the amount of X2,628.77. Motion carried. <br />