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1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilwoman Stocker, VARIAT~ICE - 1360 W. IOWA <br />to approve a three foot variance for a garage at the <br />Charles Reynolds' residence, 1360 ti~T. Iowa Avenue, which <br />would allow the garage to be built two feet from the alley <br />and two feet from the west lot line. Potion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilwoman Stocker, VARIANICE - 1376 tid. LARPETITEUR <br />to approve a variance request by Loretta Duffy, 1376 <br />W. Larpenteur, which would allow for the construction of <br />a do~_lble garage replacing a single garage four feet from <br />the alley line and two feet from the east lot line. T~1o- <br />tion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund, <br />to submit the variance request by Tlarvin Flodin for a two <br />foot variance on the south side of his apartment building <br />at 1166 ti~J. Larpenteur Avenue, for a six car garage, and <br />a two foot variance on the-east and west sides of the <br />building which would be needed for entering the garage, <br />to the Falcon Heights Planning Commission. Tlotion <br />carried. <br />VARIATICE - 1t~66 W. LARPE"'TEUP~ <br />The request by Donald J. Quinn, 1517 Huron Street, St. REQUEST TO MOVE HOME I?'ITO <br />Paul, for permission to move his home into the Village TIIE VILLAGE <br />at the lot north of 1576 Snelling Drive, was referred-- <br />to the Building Tnspector. The building and its foun- <br />dation must conform with the Falcon Heights Building <br />Code. <br />T^r. and T~Zrs. Richard Brown, 15t~6 Crawford, were present <br />to discuss the water run off from the Falcon Heights <br />T~~unicipal Liquor Store parking lot, into their yard <br />and the basement of their home. Engineer Lemberg <br />was directed to check into the matter and see if possibly <br />the grade of the lot had been changed during construc- <br />tion. <br />Councilman Stone introduced the following Resolution and <br />moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION 73-19 <br />RESOLUTIOT3 Ati~JARDITTG THE BID FOR TI-TE 1973 SEAL COATITTG <br />PROTECT TO T. A. SCHIFSI{Y ATJD SOT~dS ITI THE AT•TOUT•3T OF <br />~~?,~75.00, ATID AUTHORIZITIG THE T7AYOR ATID CLERK ~.DT~~ITI- <br />ISTRATOR TO SIGJT TITE COT?TRACT <br />Councilman Black seconded the foregoing Resolution and <br />upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted <br />in favor thereof : Acting T~Iayor Stone, Councilmen Black <br />and Ecklund, and Councilwoman Stocker. T~Totion unanimously <br />carried. <br />WATER RUnT OFF FROM LIQUOR <br />STORE PARKING LOT <br />1973 SEAL COATITIG PROJECT <br />The application submitted by Craig Dachtera, 173l~ TAI. VOLt?1~)TEEIZ FIRET•1ATT APPLICATIOT? <br />Pascal Avenue, for Volunteer Fireman was deferred until <br />the next meeting. <br />Councilwoman Stocker stated that she and Engineer Lemberg T.~E'1'ITTG WITH UTIIVERSITY <br />met with a subcommittee of the University of T-linnesota REGETIT5 OTT PARK PLATIS <br />Regents on the afternoon of July 12, 1973, to discuss <br />the proposed plans for the Falcon Heights Community <br />