<br />FEBRUARY 14, 1974
<br />1 .~
<br />A regular meeting of the Falcon Heights City Council was called to order by Mayor
<br />Warkentien at 7:35 P.M.
<br />Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black, Ecklund, and Steele, PRffiENT
<br />and Councilwoman Stocker. Also present were Clerk-Ad-
<br />ministrator Barnes, Engineer Lemberg and Attorney
<br />KenePick.
<br />None . - A~,g~
<br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by Councilman Black, MINUTES
<br />to approve the minutes of the special meeting of January
<br />16, 1974, as corrected. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilman Steele,
<br />to approve the minutes of the special meeting of January
<br />21, 1974, as corrected. Motion carried.
<br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by Councilman Steele,
<br />to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January
<br />24, 1974, as corrected. Motion carried.
<br />Mr. Sid Hartman was present at the beginning of the meeting SID HARTMAN - PROPOSED
<br />but was unable to stay for the presentation of former APARTMENT COMPLE}C
<br />Mayor Harold Nilsen because of business. Mr. Hartman
<br />stated that he had employed the firm of Bather, Ringrose
<br />and Associates, to conduct a survey on water drainage,
<br />for the area at which he and Mr. Al Rubinger proposed.
<br />to construct an apartment complex, and that in his
<br />opinion the survey is valid and adequate, and that the
<br />apartment complex will not create undue hardships for
<br />other residents due to water runoff and drainage.
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Ecklund
<br />to approve the application for a Master Gas Installer's
<br />License for Twin City Gas Heat Engineering Company,
<br />3509 16th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Motion carried.
<br />
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien,
<br />that the resignation of Patrick Coughlin as Volunteer
<br />Fireman be accepted, effective February 4, 1974.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />LICENSE X307
<br />Councilman Steele moved, seconded by Councilman Black, APPLICATION - FIRE DEPARTMENT
<br />that the application of Thomas Bianchi, 1725 North THOMAS BIANCHI
<br />Fairview Avenue, Por the position oP Volunteer Fireman,
<br />be approved, aub~ect to a physical and six mohths
<br />probation. Motion carried.
<br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, APPOINTMENTS - HUMAN RIGHTS
<br />that the appointment of Mrs. Florence Chambers, 2285, FLORENCE CHANIDERS
<br />Folwell, be approved as a member to the Falcon Heights
<br />Human Rights Commission for a term of three years, to
<br />expire December 31, 1976. Motion carried.
<br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by Councilman Black, APPOIN +' S - PLANNING
<br />that the appointment of Thomas Nystrom, 1539 Crawford, COMMISSION - THOMAS NYSTROM
<br />