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:~EGUL.yIi '.~ETT1'1G :;LPT~I:~r3~R 11th, 1958. <br />~-~"~ 3 <br />,Ieeting eras called to order -~t 7:30, the following Council Iembers being present: <br />Harold C. Nilsen, ~.~ayor; Geo. Shavor, Trustee, 2'illis s~arl:entien, Trustee; Paul <br />Coppini, Trustee and ti'r''IP.. P_. Utecht, Clerk. Also present vrere Frank Pl. Graham, <br />Village !rttorney; Vern J. Ljun~ren, T~illa~e Lr~gineer, Nick Christensen, ~3uilding <br />Inspector, aim. E. Olsen, Treasurer and Ethel ~. :"dhite, Deputy Clerk and Deputy <br />Treasurer. <br />The I~l~inutes of the August 21st meetir_g ~rrere approved as corrected -Changed <br />"Trash ':~urnc;rs" to "^rash :iaskets". <br />The :'!mutes of the ~~ugust 2~~th meeting were anz~roved. <br />The i.tinutes of the eeting of Septe~?:per 2nd were a~~~roved as corrected - Chan~-ed <br />the spelling of "resolved". <br />Gas .insp. Lette~° of September 1st, from i;l-.°: ;od Larson, submitting his <br /> resignation as gas inspector due to lack of time and greater <br /> traveling distance was read. Larson will drop files, etc. off <br /> at the office. It was moved by Utecht, seconded by Nilsen and <br /> unanimously voted to accept ~;"r. Carson's resignation subject to <br /> completion of unfinished business and transfer of accounts and <br /> records. Letter of ~nplication for the office of Gas Inspector <br /> for the Villa~,e of Falcon Heights .from Frank D. Eha, 1682 Lombard, <br /> Ca. 6-5829, St. Paul, was .read. ~'x. r;ha's letter stated he had <br /> actively engaged in the plumbing and heating ~~~usiness for 21 <br /> years; he has been a gas ins*~ector in St. Paul for y years; <br />holds State steamfitting license J41l~2; City of St. Paul <br /> steamfi±tin~~ competency card #960; City of St. Paul Gas Competency <br /> card ~~.. It was moved by Utecht, seconded by Nilsen and unanimously <br /> voted that F'rar~k 3. Eha be appointed as Gas Inspector of Falcon <br /> Heights, effective immediately. <br />Fence Letter of September ~ th, from T. E. '3rady, requesting per ~~ission <br />Variance to finish building a redwood "privacy fence" was read and dis- <br />19l~1 Albert cussed. The Council determined to treat the letter as a request <br />for a variance under Ordinance 17, and after discussion it was <br />moved by Utecht and seconded by 4~arkent:ien that the following <br />resolution be adopted; <br />RESOLVED: '_?];AT T. E. SF,ADY, 191I~ No. Albert, 3L A~,~L' HEREBY IS <br />AiiT'rIORIZED TO P.REGT THE RED~,`i00D PRIVACY FEPvCE A~ OUTLIti`ED IN <br />HIS L :_;TTEG~ 0%' Ste: f'Ti4'BF,R I.~ZH °ROVIDF,D THI.T THE FENCE ISL'REGTED <br />Lid 1 <br />"'''"'l:^'.i,LY ~:TITHIPd 1'IS PitvP`;RTY LITJE; TH; COUPd'~IL FIPdDIPdG SHAT THE <br />CONSTRUCTTOPv' OF THIS FZNCL ';>ILL NOT r~DV iiSI~,Y ,~I~'E;CT HEALTH, <br />SAr'ETY, ,~R CilEP~1L L;LF ;~'..~ OF Pli `LIC OR 'RIVATE i ROP;;Ri'Y. <br />upon taking the vote, the following "Ayes" vrere recorded: <br />Coppini, Vrarkentien, Utecht and Nilsen. "Plays" -None. <br />Drainage Emil Tjernlund, 117 Simpson, showed pictures of water standing <br />at Simpson & Crawford. Tjernlund stated vrater never stood on <br />the street like that before the sewer was put in. He said <br />pictures were taken two days after arain -- that it drains off <br />rapidly until it hits the it" level and then stands there until <br />it becomes foul smelling. Tjernlund said grade has been raised -- <br />