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~~ r~~~ <br />that it had been lowered and then raised to where it was <br />higher than it was before the sewer had been put in. He' <br />thinks trouble can be correct:~d by filling in low spots. <br />Ljungren advised he had contacted Holmboe of the St. Paul <br />tidater Department regarding the possibility of draining <br />this water through a small pipe into the sanitary setiver, <br />or running a pipe up there from Larpenteur, but hadn't <br />gotten any encouragement. Nilsen asked if it could be <br />handled with a dry well. Ljungren replied it cou],d be <br />handled that way temporarily, but the dry well would silt <br />up requiring periodical cleaning depending on t°:e rain fall <br />anywhere from six months to a couple years. The matter was <br />turned over to Ljungren for further study and report. <br />Trustee Shavor arrived at this point. <br />Hoyt ave. After discussion, it tivas moved by Shavor, seconded by 'k'ar- <br />Curbing. kentien and unanimously voted to grant permission to the <br />people living on the north side of Hoyt, from Snelling Drive <br />to Arona, to construct a curb in front of their property <br />brovided that all the people on the block, who don't already <br />have cur'oing, put it in at the same time, in accordance with <br />Village specifications and urr;er the supervision of tree <br />Village Engineer. The Village will pay up to ap-proximately <br />X25.00 to fix up the catch basin. <br />Art Lindig Lindig requested a road map showing street plans for the area <br />in which his property is located. i~;ilsen said they would <br />get one for him. He also said he ~,vould like his marked copy <br />of area ma.p from Ljungren. Ljungren agreed to send it back. <br />Lindig said more water from Falcon ~~oods is draining onto <br />his property and that, it spoiled a field of corn. Ha is <br />thinking about putting a road through his land, and ii he <br />does, the Village will have to put a storm sewer through <br />there. He is planning a 3G' road on the line v~rhich will <br />eventually 'oe :~;idened to 60' .;hen the property on the other <br />side is platted. Lindig requested that, we write Dean Macy <br />about the dust raised by traffic on tr:e north boundary road <br />south of Larpenteur and the north-south road south of iarnen- <br />teur. The Clerk was instructed to vrrite such a letter. Lin- <br />dig asked Steffes if the manholes in the ditches were on grade. <br />Steffes replied that they had been set according to proposed <br />street grades. <br />Fire Dent. Letter of September 2nd, from Gordon H. Nelson, Fire Chief, <br />regarding use of Engine ~#1 for parade was read. After dis- <br />cussion, it was moved by Shavor, Seconded br Connini, and <br />and unanimously ~.roted to permit use of Fire Engine ##1 for a <br />parade of Capitol City Fegional Fire*~er~'s association bettiveen <br />9:30 and 12:30 P. ~'+-?., Sunday, September lath, provided it is <br />done vrithout cost to the Viilane. <br />Drainage Rich:~rd :`ea.therston, 1357 No. timpson, presented agreement <br />.~.u~*gles sinned by 7 property owners (:~~~:.. G. E. Libby, 4~illiam C. Dye, <br />Snelling to i.'~ ~s. Collin Alexander, Harold T~edbom, George Kirkeby, ~.1 •s. <br />Pascal Richard ';eatherston, and Leonard 0. Johnson] wherein they <br />agree to rake, level and resod the remaining strip betwaen <br />the asphalt material and the nroz~erty line, the vrork to be <br />completed as soon as possible after the ditch has been re- <br />I <br />