<br />paired and before freezing weather sets in, if repairs are
<br />made to the Drainage Ditch on Ru~~les from Snelling Drive
<br />t~ Pascal as discussed at. the meeting cf September 2nd.
<br />Ljun~::yen's letter ~i~.,ing estimates a.nd reoom~aendations was
<br />read. after discussion, it ~'ias moved by ti'iarker~~tien, seconded
<br />by Shavor and unanimously voted tha±: the ditch on Ru~~les from
<br />Snelling Dr:~ve to Pascal be repaired in accordance with
<br />Ljun~ren's recorrtrc-~:dation at a cost of approximately 41900.00.
<br />Ordinance yfter discussion, utecht :°~oved adoption of Ordinance No. 50
<br />Tdo. 50. ~ll`a ,"ri)Ir~i'L;vC;L :~STf~BLIS~1Ii~G ~I'~~.~~~_,I~;; C'OI' ""r'~ , C,v~;`^?,uC'''IOTv OF
<br />STF~ T> ~1~ ')S ~ l~'t=iN TNi~ U i~-1G (~ ~iiC~PJ HLI(_I?TS,
<br />PROU:.i~II~G ~t'I.,'C;li~IG~~,.i0i~,r, I: Op ..~)RK `ii;D ..^_~'~',~~1L ;.i:Li TFtOCL;DIR~;S,
<br />t~~i`~ ''ItOrIDITdG P~NALTI~S r`'>F VIOLATION '~r ~1FDOF. Seconded 'oy
<br />Shavor and the fo11:~~r~in~; vo±.e ti,as taken ar~r,' recorded.:
<br />Adopted eyes: utecht, ililsen, Dhavor, ~~'arkentien and Coppiri.
<br />"~i ays : "lone.
<br />Falcon '~'.~oods Letter of September 11th from ilner ,'~. Carley kf "~ssoci ates,
<br />No. 2. r. e~ arding ralcon [-woods ;10. 2 inns r"ad and ~?iscussed. ~
<br />final n_ tat, of Falcon ':roods Tdo. 2 ~nras submi+,.,±.ed to the Council
<br />by ?'r. Ga~-e. tifte_r discussion, it .-.gas moved by Shavor,
<br />seconded by fli~sen and unanimously voted that the plat as
<br />submitted be a;~nroved by -:he `viiiage Council of the Village
<br />of Fa~cor. Heights, `u'~ject to clearance with the i lapping
<br />Co^~mission, and tha±. upon obtaining ti~at clearance, the
<br />Village Clerk be authorized to accent, approve anal execute
<br />the plat for the Vi1~_ake.
<br />After discussion, i± was moved by Co-~pini, seconded by Shavor
<br />and unanimously voted to adopt the following resolution:
<br />R,ES(?LUTION A 'PPJGiPv'G ru'vGINLR'S RHI'ORT, PIS=tT:S, ~~ t.'CIriCl1TIOTuS
<br />~1TID CiFtD~ tiNG ~:! ~4I~Ft"'TS..L'`;T ~'OR 3IDS r'Ct "'fir;; Z7P'~~` r ,
<br />.wV,., ~!T OF
<br />S ~. ~;TS ~.vi7 ~;y,~ITARY S~,i~,'RS ~i FALCON '~'i00DS N0. 2 ADDITiUN:
<br />1`rHLn l~S, The Viiiage ,'ngineer ha.s submitted his preliminary
<br />report as to the feasibility of the improvement petitioned for
<br />bJr Charles J. Hawkins and t. L. cage dated September 2nd, 1958,
<br />which i_ett.er is dated September 11th, 1958, and. advises the
<br />improvement is feasible and that. it should bemtade as nronosed
<br />at a total estimated cost of 419,K)l)a.17; ar~d ~ .
<br />V'dH%:F.EAS, The `pillage '~n~-ineer has prepared plans and sp_ ecifica-
<br />tions for +,he proposed imp~roveā¢~:ent and has recomr:~ended tha±
<br />the Developer post a cash deposit 1n~ith the Village in the
<br />amount of ~19,178.5~ to cover th<> portion of the work to be
<br />done this year; and th~~t the Developer nos±. a 'pond in the
<br />amount of ~,7,?,73.59 to cover the balance X71: the ~rnrk which
<br />is to be done '.y September 1st, 1959;
<br />ivt7;s~, '?'t-N:C LrC'.:h, ~.I IT ?~~SOLVED '.~;r the Villa~~e Council of
<br />Falcon Heights, T.'iinnsota:
<br />1. The r,',~ginehr's report dated :eptember 11th, 1958
<br />is hereby approved.
<br />2. The plans end. specifications for the improvement
<br />are hereby areroved.
<br />