<br />The Council authorized Nilsen to gall Dahlgren of Carl L.
<br />Gardner & Associates; arrange a meeting between Narke and Dahl~ren,
<br />at which they could try to reach an agreement on principles; ad-
<br />vise Nilsen of the results, and then Nilsen would get in touch
<br />with the r~st of the Council who would then act on the matter
<br />in the best interests of the Village.
<br />Engineer's Ljungren reported: The vrork done by Pennig on the Village Hall
<br />Report Parking lot had come to ~~51~0.00. The Drainage Study on the
<br />Sump Area had just been completed, and the figures were being
<br />checked by the Hydraulic Section of the P.4innesota Highway Department,
<br />after which they will he submitted to +.,he Village, the State
<br />and everybody concerned. Alilsen recommended that Ljungren work
<br />on the water assessment fip~ures so that matter can be finished up.
<br />Shavor asked how the manhole situation stood. Bert Slama gave
<br />Ljun~ren the loca+,ions of the manhol~;s that need adjustment. Dow-
<br />dell reported a variance in the sewer grade on Holton near the
<br />alley. Ljun~ren vrill meet with Slama "~Zonday, January nth, for a
<br />fur±her discussion regarding the manhole situation. It eras further
<br />brought out that, there are still half a dozen manhole: covers with
<br />holes in the top,throu~h vrhich kids ca.n drop sticks, etc. , vrhich
<br />srhould be replaced.
<br />The Volunteer Firemen came upstairs and there was a lengthy dis-
<br />cussion, the outcome of which ,ryas that. the Volunteers would study
<br />the present fire department ordinance and come up i~rith su~~ested
<br />changes.
<br />It v,~a.s moved by Nilsen, seconded by Utecht and. unanimously voted
<br />th3+, approximately twenty-four-thousand dollars (d~2l~,000.00) on
<br />hand in the Sanitary Sewer Sinking Fund Account be invested in the
<br />U. S. Government Securities recommended by the Investment Depart-
<br />ment of the First National ?3ank of St. Paul and approved by Iu'r.
<br />Spring, the Village Financial adviser, since they vrill not be
<br />needed for payment of the bonds until January 1st, 1961; and that
<br />the prover officers of the Village be authorized to draw the
<br />necessary check to make the payment.
<br />'?ills On motion by Coppini, seconded by Shavor, the following bills were
<br />ordered raid;
<br />1'~. tier. Carley & Assoc., En~r. Serv. Nov. & Dec. 80.00
<br />E. J, Pennig Co. , ~,=rork on V. H, parking lot 51x0.03
<br />~.Iichael Coppini, yr irk Iowa Rink 10.00
<br />D. V'I. Schoen, Ex. i,ime vrkd. Schultz's vacation l~6.25
<br />B. J. Slama, ditto 116.25
<br />D. ~;. Arndt, red-, fee squad car 1.00
<br />N. Ut. Bell Telephone, ':Ii-6-5200 22.90
<br />F. H. State ?ank, Rer.t. Safe. Deb. box 5.00
<br />Saber Elec. ~'~ firing '~lr?~. ~,°s'FH playground 85.00
<br />P,iinn. Fire Ext. Co., firemen coats 78.86
<br />U. S. Postmaster, stamps Clerk's off ice 8.00
<br />State Fair c;ar '~.a h, squad car 5.00
<br />Pr. H. D. Blumberg, Drunkometer test 15.00
<br />Rose Tribune, Pub.. Ord. 56 13.80
<br />?u t. Serv. Cas. Ins. Co., 1 yr prem. CL9135063
<br />and 1 yr prem. cL-9-130355 972.86
<br />,later Dept., City of St. Paul, repair main Idaho
<br />