<br />the two years he has lived at his present location, and is
<br />dangerous to children. He feels more "Stop Signs" would be
<br />in order. '~arkentien advised the placing of additional stop
<br />signs on Maple Knoll did not decrease the amount of traffic,
<br />but did slow it down. Mayor Nilsen said a Traffic Study was
<br />scheduled for July. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to con-
<br />tact Engineer Lemberg regarding the traffic count on Garden.
<br />Falcon The Deputy Clerk was instructed to contact Al Helbig and ask
<br />Heights Ele. that he call Tieso for a price on removing the pole that is
<br />School P. G. now in the center of the ball field.
<br />Billss On motion by Stone, seconded by R4ortenson, the following bills
<br />were ordered paid:
<br />Jos. L. Donovan, Reg. Fee and License Plates White
<br />Tank Truck 2.00
<br />Bonestroo, Rosene & Assoc., Engineering services 31!1.00
<br />Motorola G & E., Radio Mtce., squad car 7.70
<br />Rose Tribune, Ad bids police car and pub. annual
<br />financial statement 1!16.88
<br />Karl Blomgren, fuel oil, WFH PG 1.00
<br />R. L. Gould & Co., repairs pump X9.55
<br />B. Slama, water disposal 15.00
<br /> S. Schultz, water disposal 20.00
<br /> C. Saunders, water disposal 17.50
<br /> Construction Bulletin, ads for bids 60.110
<br /> N. ~. Bell Telephone Co., Mi, 6-5200 22.90
<br /> No. States Power, light and power 2311.12
<br /> Shell Oil Co., gas and fill. sta. services 119.311
<br /> So. Park Hydrant & Pump Co., strainer for pump 11,50
<br /> Ramsey Co. Treasurer, 1/3 cost operation Ramsey
<br /> Co. Pump. Sta., Gottfried Pit, 1960 and 1961 610.32
<br /> Ramsey Co. Treasurer, snow, ice control & lites !196.72
<br /> Thorne Coal and Oil Co., fuel oil 106.03
<br /> Falcon Oil Co., kerosene for steamer 11.61
<br /> Rogers, 1 Aqua Dip Neddle 32.50
<br /> Bishop Towing Service, truck rental 25.00
<br /> D. Schoen, water disposal, move warming house, and
<br /> inspections 81.00
<br /> Bertrand J. Slama, water disposal and inspections !11.00
<br /> T. Fenske, Jr., street work 12,50
<br /> S. P. Schultz, street work and inspections 77.25
<br /> H. Schirrmeister, street work 36.25
<br /> J. Bianchi, remove lights warming house, patch
<br /> Village streets 55.00
<br /> Ethel E. Pm ite, sere. 1st 1/2 April 158.00
<br /> David Frauenshuh, supervision WFH rink 12.77
<br /> A. Helbig, water disposal
<br />Key Laboratories, Inc., Urinalysis 60.00
<br />7.50
<br /> 5t. Paul hook & Sta.., office supplies 6.75
<br /> McClain, Redman & Schultt, office supplies 2.75
<br /> McClain, Redman & Schuldt, office supplies 17.110
<br /> Rose Tribune, Ad for hids 7.96
<br /> N, w, Bell Tele, Mi, i1-5050 & Mi. 11-5575 3b.50
<br />