<br />the Clerk's Annual Financial report to be presented to the council
<br />at a special meeting, January 16.
<br />Communications: The following communications were read and ordered filed:.
<br />Letter of January 4, 1950, from County Surveyor, reporting
<br />lower overhead rate of 5~, staffing January 1, 1950.
<br />Letter from Attorney Graham, dated Dec. 29, 1949, as to
<br />charges. in connection with rezoning requests that should be
<br />paid for by those requesting the rezoning.
<br />Letter from Lynn ~datteson about contacting the plumbing and
<br />heating contractor, far. ~interer, as to when the Village could
<br />begin occupying the new Village Ha11.
<br />Application of Applicatioh;,Fof-;~Jatie :~. Keller, of the Keller store, 1407
<br />Jane~~. Keller Larpenteur Ave., to sell cigarettes at retail, was considered.
<br />to sell cigarettes Shavor moved approval of said license, seconded by Rekstad,
<br />approved. and motion carried.
<br />Rekstad and After discussion, it was agreed that Rekstad would cooperate
<br />Reichow to with Building Inspector Reichow on building ordinance revisions
<br />cooperate on and additions.
<br />building ordin-
<br />anee revisions.
<br />Bills: Following bills were presented:
<br />Ramsey Co. Treas., work on streets, Nov.26 to Dec.25,1949, X190.03
<br />" " " Dec. electric lighting, streets, $34.50
<br />American Linen Supply Co., Dec. linen service, Fire Dept., X6.55
<br />miller Davis Co., clerk's financial statement forms X1.97
<br />Inter City Printing Co., 1,000 #10 mailing envelopes X10.20
<br />Steve Caswell, moving file case & clerk's supplies X6.00
<br />NW Bell Telephone Co., Jan. 1 charges, Fire Dept. X11.00
<br />Baden's Pure Gil Service, gasoline, Dec.6&26,Fire Dept. X4.41
<br />Northwestern Refining Co., 1000 gals. fuel oil X130.34
<br />Geo.Swanson, Vo1.Firemen's payroll, Dec. 1949 X21.00
<br />St Paul Electric Co., bal. Jan. 9, elec. work Village Hall
<br />and Fire Station X783.30
<br />A.V. YVinterer & Son, bal. Jan. 9, heating and plumbing
<br />work,Village Hall and Fire Station X2,733.25
<br />Rekstad moved, seconded by Shavor, that bills be paid. Carried.
<br />:r„
<br />Appraisal of Status of agreeing on an appraisal of Town Hall with Roseville
<br />Town Hall and Lauderdale was discussed. Stewart moved that George Shavor
<br />be authorized to act for Lindig, who is on the Tt~rwn Hall apprai-
<br />sal Committee, in case Lindig is unable to serve because of his
<br />recent in3ury, and that Shavor.be directed to check into the
<br />matter with the purpose of bringing in a report at the ne~ct meet-
<br />ing. Rekstad seconded and motion carried unanimously.
<br />Posting Shavor moved that three posting places be as follows:
<br />places. (1),Blomberg's Store, Iowa and Hamline avenues.
<br />(2) National Tea Store, Larpenteur and Snelling avenues.
<br />(3) Gibbs School, Cleveland & Larpenteur avenues.
<br />Seconded by Stewart and motion carried.
<br />