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19~~ ~ <br />Clerk's The clerk's bond, expiring January 1, 1953, and bill covering <br />bond 2-year premium in the amount of X9.25 due Liberty State Bank, <br />were presented. Lindig moved that the clerk's bond be approved <br />and that payment of two-year premium be authorised. Henry seconded <br />and motion carried unanimously. <br />Fire Depart- After discussion, Rekstad moved that the Fire Chi ef's salary be <br />meat salaries increased Prom X300 to X305 per month, and that the 1st assistant <br />chief's salary be increased from X235 to $260 per month. Seconded <br />by Lindig and carried by a unanimous vote. <br />2nd Asst. Shavor moved approval of appointment of Orrin G. Morse as second <br />Fire Chief assistant fire chief at a salary of X250.00 per month, effective <br />April 26, 1951. Seconded by Stewart and carried unanimously. <br />Bldg. permits, Norman K. Magnuson, 1015 tiYest Montana, appeared before the Council <br />Arona & Iowa in connection with lots 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 at Arona.and Iowa, <br />1©ts which he had purchased as sites for construction of one-family <br />residences. Mr. Magnuson was inP ormed that building permits would <br />be issued when Mr. Wilson, the developer, brings the. street to <br />proper grade and .surfacing, and when the matter of vacating the <br />alleys is settled. <br />Elk River Sales represent ative, Harry T. Callinan, spoke briefly to the <br />Concrete eo uneil about sewer pipe, culverts and other concrete products <br />Products Co. manufactured by his company. <br />Accepts The resignation of C.W. Eckman as Chairman, Fire Department <br />Eckman Committee, waa considered. Shavor moved that Mr. Eckman's <br />resignation resignati on be accepted with reluctance and that he be extended <br />a vote of thanks and appreciation for his services on the <br />Fire Department Committee. Lindig seconded and motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Fire and Letters were read from Danielson & Gustafson Insurance Agency <br />Extended and from The Keller Corporation, submitting quotations on such <br />coverage, coverage, using 80 per cent eo-insu ranee. Shavor moved that <br />Village Hall the Keller Corporation proposal, including X32,000.00 coverage <br />& Fire Station (80~ co-insurance) on building, $2,240 coverage (80~ co-insurance) <br />d eonte~nts. on contents of building, and X600 coverage on contents of clerk's <br />office, 1432 West California, be accepted and that the clerk be <br />instructed to have the policy made effective immediately. Seconded <br />by Rekstad and carried unanimously. <br />Rubbish Henry reported that Strebt Commissioner Seaborn wished to remind <br />burning residents that the burning of rubbish on village streets constitutes <br />illegal an ordinance violation. <br />Landscaping of Village Hall and Fire Station grounds was again discussed. <br />It was agreed that Van Hoven should consult with Mr. Juhl on <br />preparing a sketch for such landscaping. <br />Fire School Firo Chief Swanson expressed his desire to attend the Northwest <br />attendance 23rd annual fire school at the University of Minnesota, April 30, <br />authorised. May 1, 2 and 3rd. Stewart moved that the Fire Chief's expenses <br />in this connection be all®wed. Seconded by Lindig and carried by <br />unanimous vote. <br />Deluge nosale <br />(see next page) <br />