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2 7~'T <br />W, F. Stepnits of the Stepnitz Agency, representaiig business property on the <br /> south aide of Larpenteur, said he favored no particular plan, <br /> but would urge that action be taken soon in going ahead with the <br /> improvement . <br />L. H. Winfrey of Winfrey's Variety Store, asked that provision be made for a <br /> pedestrian cross-walk. Said a two-lane road should be enough to <br /> carry the traffic. <br />C. J. Lessard of the L. & L. Appliance Store, stated that the curb line according <br /> to his understanding has been established by the County, and that <br /> he did not care whether the curb was set at 46 or 60 feet, but urged <br /> early action. <br />Curbing <br />Hearing No one else wishing to be heard, the Mayor declared the hearing <br />closed closed at 8:40 P.M., with statement that the Council would take <br /> the matter under advisement. <br />Hearing on At 8:45 P.M., the May or declared open the hearing on improvement <br />Alleys of seven different alleys, announcing that Milner W. Carley, <br /> engineer; Street Commissioner Seaborn aril Building Inspector <br />• Re~ichow were present for the purpose of answering questions. Bor. <br /> Carley was asked to report on his check of said alleys: <br />BHilner Carley Engineer Carley stated that surveys were not made beoause of <br /> limited time, but that on the basis of his observations in going <br /> tk:~ru the alleys, he proposed and described two types of surfact~g <br /> (1.) Stabilization method No. 1, w hich he estimated would cost X1.50 <br /> to X2.00 per front foot per owner, and (2) Stabilization Method No. 2, <br />the cost of which he estimated at $1.00 or less per front foot. <br />No opposition No one appeared in ppposition to the p roposed alley improvements, <br /> -but many questions were asked as to types of surfacing, center <br />. drainage of alleys, grade differences, alley load restrictions, <br /> arrangements with contractor for fixing drives, how improvements <br /> were to be paid for and maintenance costs . In this connect ion, <br /> the following residents were heard: John H. T~cLean, 1513 filest <br /> CE~lifo rnia; Alfred J. Fleury, 1504 West Iowa; Kenneth A. Mousseau, <br /> 1~i10 Crawford; Clayton ®. Witte, 1505 West Larpenteur; William R. <br /> Uf;eoht, 1447 West Calif ornia; Yfialter A. Randt, 1507 1'~est California; <br /> J„B. Rechtiene, 1498 West Iowa; Herman W. (lrbke, 1359 West Iowa; and <br /> Milton P. Craighead, 1365 West Iowa. <br />In addition, two letters were received from residents, stating they <br />were unable to attend the hearing but wished to be recorded in favor <br />o!' the proposed alley improvem®nt, one letter being si fined by 1'dr. <br />and Mrs. D.O. Spaeth, 1471 Test Koyt, and the other by Dr. Garrow, <br />1488 West Iowa; Warren W. Johnson, 1480 West Iowa; and W.F. Stepnitz, <br />1491 ~~est Larpenteur. <br />Attorney Attorney Graham outlined step-by-step procedure that must be followed <br />in order that assessments be valid. He advised consolidation of <br />the seven alleys as one improvement from the standpoint of getting <br />the most favorable bids from contractors. <br />Engineer Engineer Carley reported on what the specifications should outline, <br />a~ad estimated costs could come to X3.00 to X3.50, depending on the <br />labor situation and how busy contractors are at the time. It was <br />his opinion that the work could be done in July. <br />